First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia

Separation of Church and State In America? No Problem!—Unless…

At the Bangor Christian School in Maine ninth-graders are taught to “refute the teachings of the Islamic religion with the truth of God’s Word.”

An Arabic-Language "In God We Trust" Sign

Texas School District Enforces “In God We Trust” But Whose God, And Who’s We?

The spotlight never dims on Texas. Earlier this year a school district banned an Anne Frank adaptation, and now under a new state law,

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth: A Friend To All Faiths

Of her rich and immense legacy, not the least of Queen Elizabeth’s sterling attributes was her tolerance, encouragement, and impassioned pleas on behalf of

Big bronze Amoghasiddhi Buddha statue called Tian Tan Buddha with sunset sky at Po Lin Monastery Ngong Ping in Lantau Island famous tourist destination in Hong Kong China

The Gifts of Buddhism

2,500 years ago, Gautama Sakyamuni—more familiar to us as the Buddha—was not handed wisdom by an angel and was not spoken to face to

Taoism Temple, Aljunied, Singapore

The Gifts of Taoism

“Go with the flow.” “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” “By letting go all gets done.” “All things change.” “Let

Fatebenefratelli Hospital

Syndrome K: Ray Liotta Narrates Stephen Edwards’ Documentary About Three Doctors Whose Manufactured “Fatal Disease” Saved Jewish Lives

The best voice-over in film history is Ray Liotta’s 16-minute opening to Goodfellas. Understated, earnest, almost reassuring, it entices the viewer into a world of

Bahai Temple

The Gifts of The Baháʼí Faith

In 1844, a 25-year-old Persian merchant named Sayyed ʿAlí Muḥammad Shírází had a realization. He took on the title of Báb, meaning gateway or

St Peter's Basilica

Houses of Worship: Saint Peter’s Basilica

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest and oldest Christian denomination in the world, with some 221,700 parishes, 467,000 clergy, and 1.3 billion members. 

Drug addiction

Faith-Based Answers to Substance Abuse and Addiction

Rehabilitation from the tyranny of drugs has a spiritual as well as a physical component, and many faiths, instead of turning their backs on

Houses of Worship: A Dream of Faith, Thailand’s White Temple—Wat Rong Khun

Thailand is home to the second largest population of Buddhists in the world, with some 64 millions Buddhists and 41,000 temples. Buddhism came to