Polish Archbishop Archbishop Jozef Michalik

Poland’s Catholic Church Slammed On Sex Abuse and Rationalization That Children Are Partly To Blame

In Warsaw, the capital of Poland, the leader of Poland’s Catholic Church was strongly condemned when he appeared and said that children are partially

Bishop Allyson Abrams

Detroit Pastor Allyson Abrams Resigns after Marrying a Woman

A pastor based in Detroit has made the decision to stand down from her congregation after announcing that she has married a woman, the

Venn Institute Freedom For All Series

Scientology View on Religious Freedom

The Church of Scientology and Scientologists have long fought for religious freedom for ourselves as well as others. It could be said that the

Biblical Scholar Claims Evidence Jesus Christ Was “Invented”

Joseph Atwill, a self-proclaimed Biblical scholar recently announced he has discovered the metaphorical Holy Grail of non-believers and proclaims that when it is revealed,

Myanmar Damage

Violent Disputes Between Muslims and Buddhists Continue to Rock Myanmar

Damages throughout the past year of violence in Myanmar A coastal town near Thandwe in Myanmar, where the president was scheduled to visit on

Greece, NY Supreme Court Case

Could Supreme Court Case Redefine Religion’s Role in Public Situations?

Legal scholars are predicting that a case about to get underway in the United States could become one of the largest freedom of religion

The Pikey Sikh Guru Portraits

Popular WeHo Restaurant and Bar Criticized For Display Of Sikh Guru Portraits

Portraits of Gobind Singh, Sikh Guru, line the walls of West Hollywood's The Pikey Bar and Cafe. The portraits are the subject of controversy.

PeaceMakers Film

Documentary on Violence in America, Sparked by Wisconsin Sikh Shooting, Raising Funds on Kickstarter

Visit 'The Peacemakers' Kickstarter Project Documentary filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka's newest project, PeaceMakers is a film that examines the problem of violence in America. The

Ifill and Cook

Fighting for International Religious Freedom to End Persecution

Gwen Ifill interviews Suzan Johnson Cook, International Religious Freedom Ambassador, about the connection between recent terrorist attacks and religious freedom. Gwen Ifill, PBS journalist,

Pope Francis and Chinese President Xi Jinping

Pope Francis and Xi Jinping’s Standpoints on Religion and Money

Pope Francis and the Chinese Communist Party rulers of China who are close to Chinese president Xi Jinping, both criticize the abandonment of moral