CAIR Report Indicates US Government Agencies are Targeting Muslims

New Report Indicates US Federal Agencies are Targeting Muslims

Customs and Border Patrol constituted 38 percent of the anti-Muslim incidents involving federal agencies. A Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) report titled “Targeted” describes

Pope Francis Seems to Show Support for Palestinians

Pope Francis Seems to Show Support for Palestinians

17 dead, Thousands injured at the Israeli-Gaza border Pope Francis asked for “reconciliation for Holy Land” during his Easter Sunday speech.[/tweetit] His words referenced

We Don't Take The 10 Commandments Seriously

We Don’t Take The Ten Commandments Seriously

Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shall not bear false witness. These commandments have been echoed in the collective consciousness of

Catholics in Scotland Victims of Hate Crimes

Catholics in Scotland Are the Biggest Targets of Hate Crimes

About 15 percent of Scots are Catholic Elaine Smith, a member of the Scottish Parliament, has asked the Scots administration to recognize the increasing

Supreme Court Case Could Change Both Abortion and Religion In America

Supreme Court Case Could Change Both Abortion And Religion In America

Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments About Requirements For Pro-Life Pregnancy Clinics The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a controversial case centered on the

You Should Care About The Johnson Amendment On Religious Funding

You Should Care About the Johnson Amendment on Religious Funding

Most Recent Debate Over The Johnson Amendment Shows How Important It Is And How Little People Know About It Religious liberty advocates heaved a

Westboro Baptist Church Battles LGBT in Streets Over Gay Student

Westboro Baptist Church Battles LGBT in Streets Over Gay Student

The infamous organization was protesting a high school senior for being openly gay The John Burroughs School in Missouri became a physical representation of

Sadiq Khan at SXSW

London Mayor Addresses Hate Speech during SXSW Talk

Sadiq Khan shows the need for curbing hate speech SXSW or South by Southwest Festival is mostly regarded by the general public as a

The Strange, Tragic Story of Wrongly Imprisoned Pastor Andrew Brunson

The Strange, Tragic Story of Wrongly Imprisoned Pastor Andrew Brunson

With No Proof of Charges, is Andrew Brunson a victim of strained Turkey-U.S. Relations? International relations are murky. They involve competing interests, multiple levels

Church of Scientology Budapest

Scientology Budapest Headquarters Raid Ruled Illegal, Church Claims Victory

In a move that the Church of Scientology considers “a victory for religious freedom and human rights for the church,” the Central Court of