Great Wall of China Image by Andy Leung

Religious News From Around the Web January 10, 2022

“Global Respect Act” Disrespects Religious Liberty; Christians Win in European Court of Human Rights; Chinese Communists “Walk in Footsteps of Taliban”; To Forward a

Religious Arbitration: How America’s Courts Safeguard the First Amendment by Defending It

Religious arbitration has been in the news recently and I would like to offer my perspective as a Jew, a rabbi and inter-religious leader

Religious Overreaches Could Backfire by Charles Franklin

It’s an old story: A business like Enron or Pfizer goes flat out for profit, ethics and the law be damned and boom! Enron

Faith-based Adoption Agency Will Now Place children in LGBT Homes

Is Spirituality the Fountain of Youth? by T. Riggs Eckelberry

What is it about spirituality that makes people look younger? Ten years ago, I stepped out of an elevator at the Scientology church where

Today Jews Celebrate Lag B’Omer

Remembering a Better World By Blair Thomas

I remember as a young child of around four years old standing in my front yard and watching a squadron of planes flying in

Want to Worship? Show Me Your Papers! by Charles Franklin

We have seen government abandon the First Amendment protections of religious liberty to tell people of faith they must toss out their long-held beliefs

Prison Cell

Religion’s Role in the Wild West of Immorality and Irresponsibility by Charles Franklin

Right conduct is a spectrum of action. For many people justice is the most important point on the spectrum. Justice is the society taking

QAnon – a New Religion or the Latest Stupidity?

QAnon is a conspiracy theory group – some call it an emerging religion – started by a mysterious figure and it is blowing up

Blasphemy a Capital Offense in Some Countries, Expunged in Others

In 1988 Salmon Rushdie published The Satanic Verses, a book which Muslims thought disparaged Islam. Riots broke out in Muslim countries, and shortly thereafter,

You Don’t Have to be a Supreme Court Justice to See a Thumb on the Scales By Charles Franklin

For those rational individuals who thought that the First Amendment kept government out of religious affairs, assured the people’s right to worship as they