Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh Receives the Luxembourg Peace Prize

Religious News From Around the Web January 24, 2022

New Committee Supports Candidates who Favor Religious Liberty; Trump and Evangelical Christians; Majority of Americans Believe Religion Under Attack; Court: Civil Authorities Have No

Great Wall of China Image by Andy Leung

Religious News From Around the Web January 10, 2022

“Global Respect Act” Disrespects Religious Liberty; Christians Win in European Court of Human Rights; Chinese Communists “Walk in Footsteps of Taliban”; To Forward a

Teen “Slacktivism” In Church is a Myth

Religious News from Around the Web December 6, 2021

Supreme Court Hears Abortion Case; Will Biden Bill Eliminate Religious Groups from Childhood Care? Why Do Some Christians Reject Vaccines? Religiously “Affiliated” or “Unaffiliated”

Pope Francis Assigned the First African-American Bishop to Head the D.C. Church

Profiles in Faith: Wilton Cardinal Gregory: First African American Cardinal Advocates for Ethics and Inclusiveness

Introduction In October 2020, when Pope Francis announced his selection of 13 new cardinals from eight countries as diverse as Rwanda, Chile, Brunei and

New Study Finds God Makes Religious People Less Depressed

Finding Hope in Dark Times by Margaret Dulaney

Many of you might have seen the little film by the Welsh Poet Tom Roberts called the Great Realization. Tom is reading a poem,

Today Jews Celebrate Lag B’Omer

Remembering a Better World By Blair Thomas

I remember as a young child of around four years old standing in my front yard and watching a squadron of planes flying in

New York Ends Measles Religious Exemption Vaccine

Vaccine mandates vs. religious beliefs — the legal arguments for the upcoming coronavirus lawsuits by Ross D. Silverman

The longer COVID-19 rages on, the more the United States appears to be hanging its hopes on the development and rapid, mass distribution of

Political and Religious Holograms

Lumpers lump things together and call them the same. Splitters make a point of differentiating things. So while a lumper might say “All women

Religious News From Around the Web August 31, 2020

Politics, Religion Confers Immunity from Moral Stupidity, Black Lives Matter Opposed, Xi Ramps Up “Sinicization” of Tibet, In-Person Worship Safe With Precautions, World's largest

QAnon – a New Religion or the Latest Stupidity?

QAnon is a conspiracy theory group – some call it an emerging religion – started by a mysterious figure and it is blowing up