Religious Liberty Under Attack and into Focus By Charles Franklin

One might suppose that religious liberty in the United States, would – like granite cliffs – withstand any ocean storm of legal assaults. It

Blasphemy a Capital Offense in Some Countries, Expunged in Others

In 1988 Salmon Rushdie published The Satanic Verses, a book which Muslims thought disparaged Islam. Riots broke out in Muslim countries, and shortly thereafter,

You Don’t Have to be a Supreme Court Justice to See a Thumb on the Scales By Charles Franklin

For those rational individuals who thought that the First Amendment kept government out of religious affairs, assured the people’s right to worship as they

Open Houses of Worship, or Keep Them Closed? The Pros and Cons

COVID 19 has many side effects, not all of them medical. Many parts of life have been put on hold and only essential services

Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn

Religious News From Around the Web May 4 2020

India Joins 13 Other Violators of Religious Liberty The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom on April 28th released its 2020 Annual Report,

Churches Say: “You’re not the Boss of Me!”

Pastor Jon Duncan of the Cross Culture Christian Center in Lodi, Calif., has been ordered by the San Joaquin County Department of Health to

Religious News from Around the Web, Feb 9th 2020

Coronavirus, Church and State, Romney and White Horse, 200 Years of Christianity, Baxter Black, Blessing of the Nukes, Chinese Ban Funerals Christians Help in

Great Wall of China Image by Andy Leung

The Great Religious Wall of China

As many as a million Muslim Uighurs are currently imprisoned in Chinese “re-education camps,” according to new data released by the International Consortium of

Book Review of “The Journey to the Mayflower: God’s Outlaws and the Invention of Freedom” by Stephen Tomkins

In the United States every child learns the story of the Pilgrims coming to America on the ship "The Mayflower." However, few of us

Happy Holidays: The Real War on Christmas by Dr. Arik Greenberg

Over the last couple of years, I’ve heard the phrase “The war on Christmas” invoked more and more frequently. Often, it comes from the