Deepak Chopra Calls Atheism “Adolescence of Spiritual Seeking”


In a live broadcast last week, carried by HuffPost Live, Deepak Chopra, a self-described spiritual leader, called atheism “the adolescence of spiritual seeking” in comments aimed at scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins.

He also maintained that Dawkins behaved as an “adolescent” in debates regarding spiritual matters.  Chopra’s new book, The Future of God, was one of the topics of discussion during Tuesday’s interview with HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani.

After opening the interview by reading a short excerpt from The Future of God wherein Chopra wrote of how Dawkins “has alienated those who share his atheism,” with his arrogance and supposition that “no logic works but his,”  the host began by asking Chopra why Dawkins’ views and “militant atheism” were threatening to him.  The self-proclaimed spiritual leader responded that Dawkins’ attitude and arrogance were antagonizing to others, referring especially to Dawkins describing himself as a militant atheist and calling others “stupid” for not having the same belief system.

Chopra went on to say that he thought Dawkins was actually a fundamentalist, although “on the other side of the divide” from traditional religious fundamentalists.  Chopra insisted that Dawkins’ reality was an empirical one, where things, which could be seen, were real, but those, which were intangible, such as thoughts, ideas, emotions, and desires, were not.  Chopra went on to state that Dawkins believes in a version of reality, which suffered from naiveté.  He also stated that without discussing consciousness, the rationality to which Dawkins subscribes is “bamboozled by the superstition of materialism.”

Chopra characterized Dawkins’ atheism as immature in the realm of spiritual understanding because he had not grown past the doubt of the existence of a god.  Chopra concluded with the warning that everything, even experiences concerning the material world, must be questioned.


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  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    wow, DC is so deluisional

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm


  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    When I listen to Dawkins I hear well constructed, easy to understand logic. When I listen Chopra I hear a word salad of sciency sounding words interposed with faith based, new age clap trap.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    “Chopra insisted that Dawkins’ reality was an empirical one, where things, which could be seen, were real, but those, which were intangible, such as thoughts, ideas, emotions, and desires, were not.”
    Utter claptrap. This snake-oil salesman is right out of Barnum’s playbook. Of course ideas, emotions, desires etc are real. We can experience them, share them, and enjoy them…whether alone or with others. How does this fool know what anyone really believes.
    You’re not getting one thin dime of mine, pal.

    • Alison Lesley
      5:19 pm

      Yeah. And AFAIK, Dawkins never said thoughts, ideas, emotios etc are not real.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    Yes, Chopra, throw out the S word. Spirituality is something the New Age charlatans have borrowed from religion and like to throw out as though they have some special insight, some special gift, or power the rest of us do not. It is what the clergy have done for thousands of years, saying they were talking directly to god and if we behaved were promised an after life. I dare say that every living thing has its own spirituality.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    Deepak is a F$%*king clown. Uses ridiculous world play to confuse his gullible audiences. Dawkins is about evidence, like any scientist, make a claim, then prove it.

    • Alison Lesley
      5:19 pm

      I would not personally call deepak a clown in an overgeneralized statement because that would make u look like a greater clown….

    • Jed">Alison Lesley
      5:19 pm

      That was my first thought when listening to Chopra in this segment as well. Totally agree.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    DC is delusional.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    Chopra should attempt to categorize Apatheism where nobody cares what he or anyone else believes…

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    Deepak Chopra talking about reality is like Stevie Wonder talking about colors.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    dippty deepak is back! with another mouthful load of quantum word salad.
    the effect is similar to randomly picking out phrases from the vomit of new age.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    Chopra is another purveyor of religious woo that has no meaning in the real world.

  • Alison Lesley
    5:19 pm

    Deepak Chopra is a fraud. See this:

    It seems he and 2 other fellow “spiritual healers” (1) submitted a fraudulent paper to Journal of the Americal Medical Association (JAMA) and (2) had failed to disclose their financial links with highly commercial “spiritual healing” activities.

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