Dalai Lama Says Religion is Personal and Shouldn't Be Used to Mobilize

Dalai Lama Says Religion is Personal and Not to Use it as a Mobilization Tool

He appreciates India for its diversity Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, said religion is "personal business" and not be utilized to "mobilize"[/tweetit]

Buddhist Themes in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’

Dualism, destiny and karma are all shown The latest episode of the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi has polarized

Winter Religious Holidays Video and Infographic

What Do World Religions Do During the Holiday Season? Exclusively from WorldReligionNews.com! Share this Infographic on Your Site Source: WorldReligionNews.com Typically when we say

Dalai Lama and Obama meet

Dalai Lama Meets Barack Obama in India to Discuss World Peace

The Tibetan spiritual head had earlier expressed reservations about the selfish US under Donald Trump. Dalai Lama, exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, met Barack

Couple Facing Jail Time Over Butt Selfie at Thai Holy Site

Couple Faces Jail Time for Butt Selfies At Thai Holy Site

Charged with Public Indecency and Cyber Crime Public nudity is usually not a good decision. Public nudity in a foreign country is an even

Rex Tillerson Myanmar

U.S. Declares Myanmar is Doing Ethnic Cleansing Against Rohingya

More than 600,000 Rohingyas have fled Myanmar. The United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson termed military operations by the Myanmarese armed forces against

American spirituality

Examining the “Spiritual, not Religious” in America

The spirituals are found to be more helpful and empathetic A survey conducted by Public Religion Research Institute has resulted in findings which surpass

Dalai Lama Attacks Trump's America

Dalai Lama Attacks Trump’s America

Argues Against Nationalism and Message of Non-Violence The Dalai Lama, spiritual head of the Tibetan nation, speaking at the Five Fifty Forum being held

Faith in Recovery Pt. 11

Faith in Recovery Pt. 11: How Does Redemption Fit into Faith and Treatment?

Redemption In Drug Recovery And Religion Are More Similar Than You Think “I don't believe the world's a particularly beautiful place, but I do

Buddhist may have destroyed an ecosystem

Buddhists May Have Just Destroyed an Ecosystem

Two Buddhists harm the environment unintentionally as part of a religious ceremony. Ni Li and Zhixiong Li, both Buddhists caused unprecedented damage to the