Tolerating other religions "serves Satan"

Chaplain Says Christian Service Members Who Tolerate Other Religions Are “Counterfeit Christians” and “Serve Satan”

The right winger wrote a blog before his views came to the notice of the MRFF Sonny Hernandez, a chaplain of the United States

Pope praises 'multi-religious' race

Nuns and Refugees Participate in Religious Half-Marathon in Rome, Commended by Pope Francis

Runners came from multiple faiths Participants of 'Via Pacis' race, where amateur athletes comprising of nuns, refugees, disabled, and parents pushing their children, ran

Faith in Recovery Pt. 8

Faith in Recovery Pt. 8: 10 Celebrities Who Used Religion to Beat Drug Addiction

The battle that celebrities have with addiction is well-known. The path to recovery is varied, but several notable celebrities have used their faith as

Ganesha Ad

Hindus Are Outraged by An Australian Ad

Conservative Hindus take umbrage at the depiction of Lord Ganesh ostensibly partaking meat A Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) ad promoting lamb as acceptable

China Amps War on Religion

China Amps Up War Against Religion

New Laws to Restrict Private Worship Being a person of faith in China has just gotten much worse. The Chinese cabinet created a new

Faith in Recovery Pt. 7

Faith In Recovery Pt. 7: How Religious Communities Combat Addiction

Shared Suffering for Communities and Different Approaches to Solving it. “And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if they have saved

Tibet Buddhist Monastery

Chinese Government Acts To Limit Tibetan Religious Freedom

China Creates Indoctrination Program to replace Buddhist Teachings The Chinese government has recently declared a ruling over a Tibetan Buddhism center. The ruling has

Union Medal Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh to be Awarded Union Medal

Thich Nhat Hanh was friends with Martin Luther King Jr., who nominated Hanh for the Nobel Prize. Thich Nhat Hanh, peace activist, author and

Chinese Flag Flying

China Angrily Lashes Out At Criticism of Religious Persecution

Rejects State Department Report by "Imperfect" United States China responded to the criticism put forth by the United States in which the US Secretary

Sam Well Preacher

Over 4,000 Faith Leaders Want Trump to Keep Johnson Amendment

President Trump has signed the executive order to stymie the law About 4,000 faith leaders from different religions have given their signatures to a