UN Is Condemning China over Expulsion of Monks and Nuns

U.N. condemns China over expulsions of Tibetans China has been unanimously condemned by the United Nations experts for its expulsion of nuns and monks[/tweetit]

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Advice on How to Deal with Anger and Trump

Using the Practice of Mindfulness to cope with Trump Thich Nhat Hanh, one of modern world’s greatest spiritual leaders, says challenging anger with anger

U.S. Warming Up to Different Religious Groups and Even Atheists

Americans are warming up to different religions. Americans are now more open to different religious groups compared to a few years before. Studies conducted

Ken Starr Under Evaluation for Head of International Religious Freedom Office

Ken Starr under consideration by Trump Administration for Office of International Religious Freedom position. The Trump administration is considering Ken Starr to head the

What is the Importance of Love in World Religions?

World Religion News Celebrates Valentine’s Day: Love According to World Religions In anticipation of the day of love, Valentine’s Day, we explore the different

No, Most Refugees Entering the U.S. Are Not Muslims, They’re Christians

Of the 85,000 Refugees entering the US in 2016, 61% were Christian. Thousands of refugees fleeing from African and Middle Eastern countries end up

At National Prayer Breakfast Trump Announces He Wants to Repeal Johnson Amendment

Right-wing Christian Evangelical leaders are happy with the announcement, however, most Americans and pastors prefer separation of church from state. President Trump announced during

Maya Haddad - Devotion

Devotion, Video Series Celebrates Doubt in Faithful People

Interfaith interview series Devotion  examines doubts of the faithful. As a sophomore English major at Loyola Marymount University, I enrolled in World Religions. Our

Richard Gere Among 200,000 at Buddhist Kalachakra Ceremony in Bodh Gaya

Dalai Lama addressed crowd at ceremony Richard Gere attended. Thousands upon thousands of Buddhists streamed into Bodh Gaya, a quiet village in India which

Secularists in Britain Seek an End to “Unjustified Religious Privilege”

Secularists respond to report on Britain's religion and beliefs by requesting equal treatment for all, regardless of religious beliefs. Following the publication of a