Religious Services Now Being Held in OH and WV Prisons for Pagans, Wiccans, & Satanists

Supreme Court review of the matter in 2005 sees no reason to stop religious services in prisons; Druid priestess sees positive changes in inmates.

Religious Crowd Gathers in Support of Women’s March

People of faith stood in unity at Women's March in Washington D.C. The early morning hours of January 21 saw large gatherings of women

Religious Freedom According to Major World Religions

How different religious groups feel about religious freedom. January 16 is Religious Freedom Day, a day when we celebrate the right to practice religion

What Is the Religious Breakdown of the New Congress?

The 115th Congress is predominantly Christian. Even though the number of American adults who describe themselves as Christians has declined over the years, the

Author of ‘The World’s Religions’ Huston Smith Passes Away at 97

Christian author and scholar Huston Smith lived many faiths in his spiritual journey. The world’s most renowned scholar and sage on religions, Huston Smith,

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Says “Religion is Very Important”

Zuckerberg responds to a Facebook comment saying he's no longer an atheist. One of the world’s most wealthy people is touting the importance of

Only 26% of Americans are Not Christian

Religion is losing its footing in the United States Gallup's ongoing research on religion shows that the influence of religion in the U.S. society

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh Moves to Thailand

Two years after suffering a stroke, Thich Nhat Hanh travels to Thailand to be closer to his homeland of Vietnam. Thich Nhat Hanh, popularly