In Japan You Can Order A Priest on Amazon

In Japan You Can Order A Priest on Amazon

Rent a Buddhist monk online through Amazon in Japan. The days when technology and religion were at odds with each other are in the

Obama Visits Laos and Speaks of the Strength of the Buddhist Faith

Obama Visits Laos and Speaks of the Strength of the Buddhist Faith

Obama praises the Buddhist faith in Laos. President Barrack Obama visited Laos on Wednesday in an attempt to strengthen relationships between the U.S. and

A Minnesota Fourth Grader is Recognized as Reincarnated Buddhist Lama

A Minnesota Fourth Grader is Recognized as Reincarnated Buddhist Lama

Jalue Dorjee, a 9-year-old from Minnesota declared a Buddhist lama, will soon move to India to live in a monastery. Life as a fourth

Americans with A Diverse Mix of Friends Are Less Religious

Americans with A Diverse Mix of Friends Are Less Religious

Religious diversity may be changing beliefs in America. Diversity has long been listed on the table of assets that have served to make America

Kubo and the Two Strings Introduces Western Kids to Buddhist Concepts

Kubo and the Two Strings  is re-introducing Buddhism to western viewers Kubo and the Two Strings is a movie that re-introduces Buddhism and its

Putin’s Yarovaya Laws Violate Human Rights and Religious FreedomPutin’s Yarovaya Laws Violate Human Rights and Religious Freedom

Putin’s Yarovaya Laws Violate Human Rights and Religious Freedom

Russian President Vladimir Putin Signs The Yarovaya Law, A Law That Violates Religious Freedom. On July 7, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the

Not Just Scripture: Social and Political Issues Are Hot Topics in Churches

Church-goers find politics being discussed from pulpits. The presidential campaign fever has been caught by religious institutions too, with churchgoers saying that their clergy

Buddhist Monks Rescue Plane Crash Victims Moments Before Plane Explodes

Buddhist Monks Rescue Plane Crash Victims Moments Before Plane Explodes

Monks honored as heroes after risking their lives to rescue victims of a plane crash. The Buddhist Monks have always been viewed by people

Dalai Lama Shares How to Obtain The Ultimate Happiness

Dalai Lama Shares How to Obtain The Ultimate Happiness

Dalai Lama explains how one can obtain happiness and peace in an interview with 'Lion's Roar.' Most people in the West have been brought

China’s Panchen Lama Presides Over Ritual Being Held for First Time in 50 Years

Panchen Lama holds Kalachakra ritual after 50 year ban in China. Having ousted the Dalai Lama from power during the occupation of Tibet, China