After Health Scare, Dalai Lama Spoke About Compassion Sunday

Dalai Lama spoke about compassion, education and humility in Minneapolis. The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist Leader, has assured his many followers that he

Which Political Party do Religious Groups Typically Vote For?

How U.S. religious groups lean in politics. According to the Religious Landscape Study by Pew Research Center, The Republican party rests easy with Mormons

Bernie Sanders’ Awesome Response About His Spirituality

Bernie Sanders gives stunning answer to CNN's question of his faith. Voters, a few days prior to the Democratic primary in South Carolina, asked

Why Buddhists Celebrate Nirvana Day

Why Buddhists Celebrate Nirvana Day

The journey to enlightenment: death, rebirth and nirvana acknowledged on Nirvana Day. Nirvana Day refers to an annual Buddhist festival that is celebrated on

Least religious state

What is the Least Religious State in America?

New survey shows the least religious state in the U.S. According to the Gallup 2015 poll, New Hampshire contains the lowest number of religious

Happy Chinese New Year!

Traditions of Chinese New Year Out of the many holidays that transpire in China every year, The New Year celebrations tend to be more

Bowie Buddhist funeral

David Bowie’s Ashes Scattered in Buddhist Funeral Tradition

Bowie’s Ngaben: a multi-part two week Buddhist death ritual of celebration and sorrow. David Bowie's will was expected to be unique, and it did

Christina Figueres Credits Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh for Inspiring Climate Change Talks

Figueres says the teachings of Zen Master helped in Paris Climate Change negotiations A Buddhist monk and his counsel played an instrumental role in

What is the role of women in world religions? [Infographic]

A Woman’s Work: Roles of Women in World Religions. How do we view the changing role of women in religion in current times? The

How Mahayana Buddhists Celebrate New Year

New Year traditions of the largest sub-sect of Buddhism, Mahayana. Mahayana Buddhism is the largest branch or sub-division of the Buddhist religion. Compared to