Inaugural Religious Freedom Roundtable Held in Australia, Attended by 29 Members of Different Religions

Preservation of religious freedom, inclusion, and pluralism are among the topics to be discussed at the Religious Freedom Roundtable in Sydney. Australian Human Rights

Religious Americans are Becoming More Accepting of Homosexuality

Many changes have occurred in American social and political attitudes, according to the latest Pew Research study. There have been many changes in idealism

Buddhism same-sex

Same-Sex Marriage banned in Japan but this Buddhist Priest Will Still Marry You

Buddhist Priest Zenryu Kawakami has made Shunkoin Temple is a safe haven for same-sex marriage in Japan. Same-sex marriage has become a hotbed for

Thich Naht Hanh recieves Peace on Earth award

Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh Receives Catholic “Peace on Earth” Award

Thich Nhat Hanh, "Thay" is the first Buddhist to receive the Catholic Pacem in Terris peace award. Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Buddhist monk hailing

Dalai Lama: This is not a Political Matter, Not Religious. It’s About Survival.

In a new video, the Dalai Lama calls for united action on global warming. 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner and the 14th Dalai Lama

Sikh Langar Feeds Thousands at Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference

Sikhs host a pop-up lunch for people of all faiths at Salt Lake convention. The Parliament of the World's Religions, which was held in

Japan’s Christians Might be Hidden, but their Faith is Strong

How Japanese Christians have managed to camouflage their Christianity. The first taste of Christianity to the Land of the Rising Sun came in the

“What the World Needs Now is…” a Pretty Dalai Lama?

Dalai Lama jokes about an attractive female Dalai Lama successor. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is one of the world’s most popular religious figures.

Dalai Lama on Refugee Crisis and U.K.’s Reaction to Migrants: Killing Must End

The Dalai Lama Addresses the European response to the latest wave of refugees and offers a solution to future migrant problems at an Oxford

Bon Jovi Dalai Lama

Bon Jovi Concerts in China Cancelled Because of Support for Tibet and Dalai Lama

A string of Bon Jovi's first-ever concerts in China have been nixed, presumably after the Culture Ministry discovered a photo of Bon Jovi with