Buddhist Photographer Nicholas Vreeland Captures Journey in Tibet

Nicolas Vreeland shows his collection of photographs from a 2003 journey with his spiritual teacher, Khyongla Rinpoche. Nicholas Vreeland is the Abbot of Rato

Marijuana Ruling

Judge Rules Marijuana Remains Schedule 1 Drug: Here’s How Religions are Combatting Drug Use

Much to the disappointment of a group of on-looking activists who anxiously waited Wednesday to have a California-based Federal Judge pass a ruling to

How The Stressed Chinese Millennials Are Taking Solace In Buddhism

In this era, millennial Chinese don’t see Buddhism as a religion, but a culture. The majority of the Chinese millennials are turning towards Buddhism.

Thich Nhat Hanh Will Return to Plum Village as Health Continues to Improve

Good news coming from PlumVillage.org has it that Thich Nhat Hanh, the revered Vietnamese Buddhist monk who was inflicted with a deadly brain hemorrhage

Sri Lanka Buddhist Meeting

Sri Lankan and Indian Buddhists Strengthen Cultural Bonds

Buddhist monks from Sri Lanka visited Indian Buddhists in New Delhi in a meeting to strengthen the cultural understanding between the two groups. Last

Buddhist Temple Viral Video

Ad for 1,500 Year Old Buddhist Temple Becomes Viral Hit

The Donghua Zen Temple of Shaoguan City in China received thousands of applications after its witty ad for job positions went viral on Chinese social

Kancha Illaiah Not Hindu

The History of Hinduism’s Issues with Beef

Professor Kancha Ilaiah says the Hindu ban on beef is a cultural imposition by past and present political leaders. Prof. Kancha Ilaiah wrote a

Thai Monk Scandal in Bangkok: Corruption in the Temple

A Buddhist temple in Thailand, near Bangkok, is found at the center of a corruption scandal. The case sparked angry cries for the authorities

Drew Barrymore Swastika

Drew Barrymore Shocked Some While Sporting a Swastika

Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen T Dorje

17th Karmapa Talks Love and Apathy at Harvard University

Buddhist leader 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen T. Dorje visited the Harvard Divinity School where he discussed the value of love and the problems with