Japan Celebrates Ancestors For The Obon Festival On July 15th

Japan Celebrates Ancestors For The Obon Festival

The Obon Festival Is Based On a Buddhist Myth Bon, the short form of Obon is a Japanese holiday rooted in the Buddhist religion

How Meditation Saved Thai Boys Lost In Caves And Can Save You

How Meditation Helped Thai Boys Stuck in Cave

Meditation is Not Just For Religious Worship After more than two weeks, the youth soccer team, the Boars, consisting of twelve teen Thai boys

Thailand’s Religions United In Prayer To Rescue Boys Trapped In Flooded Cave

Thailand’s Religions Unite to Pray for Boys Trapped in Cave

Faith Leaders Urge Followers To Pray For Soccer Team Imprisoned in Tham Luang Nang Non Flooded Cave System The world has been watching with

Buddhist and Methodist Fire on Trump's Family Separation Policy

Methodists and Buddhists Condemn Sessions Over Family Separation Policy; Push for Expulsion from United Methodist Church

Methodists push to expel Sessions from the church A denominational complaint through formal channels was lodged against Jeff Sessions[/tweetit], the United States Attorney General,

Would You Like to Stay the Night in a Buddhist Temple?

Would You Like to Stay the Night in a Buddhist Temple?

Terahaku to Offer Rooms for Rent in Buddhist Temples Terahaku, a brand new service, will enable tourists visiting Japan to search and reserve online

The Weird World Of Buddhist Funerals For Robot Dogs

The Weird World Of Buddhist Funerals For Robot Dogs

Rituals for Dogs Have Skyrocketed In Recent Years Everyone has friends who call themselves “pet parents.” Their dogs, cats, and other pets are not

How Did This Giant Jade Buddha Travel The World?

How Did This Giant Jade Buddha Travel The World?

Statue Was Seen By Over 11 Million People Over 9 years The Jade Buddha of Universal Peace came home to Great Stupa of Universal

How Do Buddhists Celebrate Vesak: The Birth Of Buddha?

How Do Buddhists Celebrate Vesak: The Birth Of Buddha?

Exploring The Different Rituals And Traditions of Vesak Every year, Buddhists and some Hindus from all over the world celebrate Vesak or Visakha. This

An Inside Look At The Religious Influence For The Jedi

May the Fourth Be With You: An Inside Look At The Religious Influence For The Jedi

Are Jedi Just A Science Fiction Version Of Shaolin Monks? Quick question. Who said “you will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive”?

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer

President Trump acknowledged the Day of Prayer by issuing an executive order on religious freedom. Today is the National Day of Prayer. The National