Religious News From Around the Web February 7, 2022

Blasphemy and Apostasy Punished; Winter Olympics -- Thawing of China's Treatment of Religious Minorities? China May Restrict Religious Expression Following Olympics; Streaming Online a

Martin Luther King JR

Religious News From Around the Web January 17, 2022

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech; Origins of Religious Freedom Day; Christians Returning to Church, but Not Always the Same

Has Separation of Church and State Gone Too Far?

Religious News From Around the Web December 13, 2021

Guru Nanak Sikh Documentary on PBS; New Research on Religious Exemptions from COVID Vaccine; Defend Religiously Affiliated Child Care; Fauci Asks Faith Leaders to

Mississippi Schools Cannot Display Religious Items

Money, schools and religion: A controversial combo returns to the Supreme Court by Charles J. Russo

Since 1947, one topic in education has regularly come up at the Supreme Court more often than any other: disputes over religion. That year,

Profiles in Faith: Neville Callam, Baptist World Alliance

Introduction Saint, leader, intellectual giant. Moral, compassionate, humble servant. Those are some words of praise for Neville Callam, the first Black to lead the

Politics, Religion and the Principled Life

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Benjamin Franklin. Democracies had failed in the past, blown

Top Religious Stories? Is This the Best You Can Do?

The top 10 religious stories of 2019 – as selected by members of the Religion News Association – included: The burning of Notre Dame

Baptist Pastor to Run for Texas Senate

Sutherland Springs Pastor to Run for Texas Senate

Pastor Pomeroy's daughter was shot in his church Frank Pomeroy's teenage daughter was shot along with more than 24 other people in a mass

Baptist College Expels Trans Student Hours after Surgery

Baptist College Expels Trans Student Hours After Surgery

Welch College described the surgery as "sexual perversion," which is against the school's rules. Yanna Awtrey, a student at Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee,

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Will Stop Mass Shootings Says Mike Huckabee

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Will Stop Mass Shootings Says Mike Huckabee, While Baptist Pastor Condemns Leaders Who Say Just That

Huckabee says mass shootings happen because people are disconnected from God. Many people are demanding justice after the mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and