Has Separation of Church and State Gone Too Far?

Religious News From Around the Web December 13, 2021

Guru Nanak Sikh Documentary on PBS; New Research on Religious Exemptions from COVID Vaccine; Defend Religiously Affiliated Child Care; Fauci Asks Faith Leaders to

Teen “Slacktivism” In Church is a Myth

Religious News from Around the Web December 6, 2021

Supreme Court Hears Abortion Case; Will Biden Bill Eliminate Religious Groups from Childhood Care? Why Do Some Christians Reject Vaccines? Religiously “Affiliated” or “Unaffiliated”

Mississippi Schools Cannot Display Religious Items

Money, schools and religion: A controversial combo returns to the Supreme Court by Charles J. Russo

Since 1947, one topic in education has regularly come up at the Supreme Court more often than any other: disputes over religion. That year,

Religious News From Around the Web November 29, 2021

Americans and Life after Death; United Methodist Split Meeting On For Now; Philly Pays Up, Catholic Adoption Agency Can Decline Same-Sex Parents; Opinion: Build

Religious News From Around the Web November 22, 2021

Catholic Bishops Avoid Direct Rebuff of Biden over Abortion; Forty-One Countries Ban Religion-Related Groups; Christian Florist Settles Suit with Same-Sex Couple; Congress Issues Resolution

How Do You Get Religion Understood?

Church attendance in the U.S. is on a 20-year nosedive. From 70% attending services in 1999, it has declined year after year to 47%

Religious News From Around the Web November 8, 2021

Sikh Festival Draws 100,000 to Yuba City, Calif.; Texas Voters Amend State Constitution, Expand Religious Liberty; Judge: Religion Exempt From LGBTQ Bias Liability; U.S.

Religious News From Around the Web November 1, 2021

President Biden “a Good Catholic” Says Pope Francis; Buddhist Reality and Freedom From Illusion; Ásatrú, Viking Religion on Rise in Iceland; Religious Exemption to

Falun Gong Adherent meditating in Tieneman Square By ClearWisdom.net

How Does Apple Enforce Communist Party Religious Censorship in China?

Apple has just removed several religious apps from the App Store of China, a move denying millions what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) say

Archbishop Chaput Wants Pope to Cancel Youth Conference

What is the Synod of Bishops? A Catholic Priest and Theologian Explains, By William Clark

On Oct. 10, 2021, Pope Francis formally opened a two-year process called “a synod on synodality,” officially known as Synod 2021-2023: For a Synodal