Religious News From Around the Web August 17, 2020

Call to Recognize Sarna Religion, Hindu Religious Figures Raise Protest, Shinto Priests Bless Head of 60-Foot tall robot, Junipero Serra Supporters Push Back, Religious

Holy Bible

What Happened at the Council of Nicaea? by By L. Arik Greenberg

I often hear people speak in hushed and conspiratorial tones — as if they were divulging a well-guarded secret — about how the Catholic

Religious News From Around the Web March 2, 2020

Biblical Plague, Give up Phones for Lent?, Minister Farrakhan, Thich Quang Do, SCOTUS to hear Catholic Foster Case, Boko Haram, Coronavirus and Hajj Give

Politics, Religion and the Principled Life

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Benjamin Franklin. Democracies had failed in the past, blown

Religious News from Around the Web, Feb 9th 2020

Coronavirus, Church and State, Romney and White Horse, 200 Years of Christianity, Baxter Black, Blessing of the Nukes, Chinese Ban Funerals Christians Help in

Religious News from Around the Web, Feb 3rd 2020

Iran vs. Religion, Mass Wedding, Same-Sex Adoption, Religious School Funding, Christians Released, Should Churches Report Child Abuse? William Barr Warns of Militant Secularism, Catholic

Muslim College Player Kicked Off Team For Religious Reasons

How a Priest Made Kobe Bryant’s Life Better

In 2016, WRN published a story about how Kobe Bryant's faith helped him withstand and move past difficult times personally and professionally. We reprise

Image by Gerd Altmann

Identity and Religion: The War Against the Spirit

Who are you? What is your identity? Are you your name, your family, your car, your bank account, the language you speak or the

Religious News From Around the Web, Jan 13th 2020

Giving Machines, Blaine Amendment, Religious Court Cases, Confessional Confidentiality, Taliban Destroyed now Repaired, Jewish and Muslim Women Meet, ERA is Dead Latter-day Saints Giving

Top Religious Stories? Is This the Best You Can Do?

The top 10 religious stories of 2019 – as selected by members of the Religion News Association – included: The burning of Notre Dame