Movie Review: The Two Popes (two reviews)

The Two Popes - Netflix Starring: Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce Director: Fernando Meirelles Review By Charlotte Odenson Inspired by true events, this beautifully

Buddhist nuns train women in India By Abutchernes, CC

WRN News from Around the Web: Obama Rule Repealed, Church Demolition, Assisted Suicide, Transgender, Kung Fu Nuns, Empty Heavens

Kung Fu Buddhist Nuns The Druk Amitabha Mountain Monastery in Kathmandu has long promoted gender equality and the empowerment of women. Since 2008, Buddhist

WRN News: Shtetl Market, Married Priests, Communist Reincarnation, Transgender, Vaccine Refusal

Hasidic Jews Find New “Shtetl Market” Shtetl – small Eastern European Jewish villages before the Holocaust – had busy local markets, which Hasidic Jews

Religious News Worth Reading, week ending Oct 12th 2019

Democratic Candidates Vow to Reverse Religious Protections Presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren announced similar plans to enhance LGBTQ protections including reversing the

Marching for Religious Interfaith

On September 22nd, as part of a celebration of International Peace Day, marches were held around the world to celebrate Religious Peace and Justice.

10 Biggest Controversial Religious Sites

These religious locations around the world cause tension and conflict. 1. Western Wall This wall, located near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is historically

Former Priest Says to Save The Church It Must ‘Abolish the Priesthood’

6 Types of Unique Garments Explained

Six Religions that have distinguishing dress codes and the symbolism behind them. It is quite difficult to identify an individual’s faith based on appearance

Myths Debunked about Catholics, Latter-day Saints, and Muslims

Today, with social media and the Internet, rumors, misconceptions and outright lies often circulate amplified and unchecked about religions and religious belief. Most often,

China/Vatican Agreement May Signal Lessening of Religious Tension

The first Catholic Bishop to be consecrated in China since an agreement between China and the Holy See occurred recently in Inner Mongolia.[/tweetit] According

Pope Francis Hosts First Meeting of “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity”

Pope Francis hosted the first meeting of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (The Committee) on Sept. 16 at the Vatican. The Committee