Patriarch Bartholomew signing the tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Eastern Orthodox Theologian Warns of Troubling Times

The war in Ukraine has enormous religious implications and is deeply troubling to Eastern Orthodox Catholics in the United States, according to a leading

Religious News From Around the Web February 28, 2022

Supreme Court Religion Cases and the Future; High Court Takes up Clash between LGBTQ and Religious Rights; Religious Objection to COVID Mandate Rejected; Biden

Watch Dalai Lama Impersonate Donald Trump

Religious News From Around the Web December 20, 2021

Pope Reemphasizes Opposition to Latin Mass; Ninth Circuit Clears Expulsions of Seminarians in Same-Sex Marriages; Gorsuch Cites Religious Liberty As Supreme Court Allows New

Has Separation of Church and State Gone Too Far?

Religious News From Around the Web December 13, 2021

Guru Nanak Sikh Documentary on PBS; New Research on Religious Exemptions from COVID Vaccine; Defend Religiously Affiliated Child Care; Fauci Asks Faith Leaders to

Religious News From Around the Web November 29, 2021

Americans and Life after Death; United Methodist Split Meeting On For Now; Philly Pays Up, Catholic Adoption Agency Can Decline Same-Sex Parents; Opinion: Build

Religious News From Around the Web September 6, 2021

Texas Churches Can’t be Forced to Close Under New Law; Catholics, Other Religious Groups Help Refugees; Nearly 60 Percent of White Evangelicals are Vaccinated;

Profiles in Faith: Patriarch Bartholomew Bridges East-West Christian Divide

INTRODUCTION His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is the 270th Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Born in present-day Turkey in 1940, Dimitrios Archontonis,

Vatican Quashes ‘Fake News’ of Pope Benedict Death

Religious News From Around the Web August 9, 2021

Scientologist Wins Case Against Munich "Sect Filter;" Religious Restrictions Return with Rise of Delta Variant; Vatican Launches Global Compact on the Family; Problems With

LA Faith Coalition Emergency Meeting

LA Faith Coalition to Hold Emergency Press Conference Demanding Disney CEO Bob Iger End Anti-Religious Hate on A&E Networks

Religious leaders will gather in front of Disney offices to “end anti-religious hate.” World Religion News received an email overnight from Los Angeles Faith

Donald Trump

Twitter Erupts to Trump’s Endorsement of Bible Study in Schools

Critics say Trump's support of Bible study in public schools is in violation of the constitution. President Donald Trump is cheering on the move