Here are 10 Facts About the State of Religion in America Right Now

Religion in America is changing each year. Here are the most important facts to know right now. The Pew Research Center has compiled a

Teach Religion In Public Schools

Clinton Would Agree: These are Reasons Why Religion Should Be Taught In Public Schools

A list of reasons why students should learn about world religions as part of their primary education. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton is just

How Do You Get Happy and Stay Happy? You Join a Religion, Study Says

A recent study shows participation in religion makes you happy for a sustained amount of time. At least so state the results of a

Define God

These are the Top 10 Definitions of God in One Word

If you could pick just one word to illustrate God what would it be? HuffPo publishes the top 10 definitions of God submitted by

Support Continues To Pour In For Gay United Methodist Pastor Who Was Fired

Activists, ministers and United Methodist Church members protested the Pastor's firing. Rev. Benjamin Hutchison’s case is one of the most recent issues wherein church

Religious Trauma Syndrome

What is Religious Trauma Syndrome?

American psychologist, educator and writer Marlene Winell describes her research on the effects some feel after leaving a religion. According to American psychologist, educator

Christian activist faces fines and prison after removing the Confederate flag

The story of David and Goliath inspired Brittany Newsome to take down the Confederate flag at a South Carolina government building. Brittany Newsome, a

EXCLUSIVE: Same-Sex Marriage Poll Results: 75% Of Americans Support It ran a U.S. citizen targeting poll using organic search and paid social to determine how Americans feel about same-sex marriage. The results may

Religious Higher WellBeing

Those Who are Very Religious Have A Higher Wellbeing Regardless of the Particular Faith

Previous documentations showed that Americans who consider themselves most religious are also those with the highest wellbeing. Gallup Health Ways Well-Being Index has been

Episcopal Church Welcomes Same-Sex Wedding Ceremonies in their Churches

Twelve years after they sparked a divide in the global Anglican denomination after electing Gene Robinson, an openly gay bishop, the Episcopal Church voted