A Seventh Southern Black Church Following the Charleston Shooting Has Burned Down

A fire has destroyed the prominent Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church in Greeneyville, South Carolina. UPDATE: It is suspected the fire was caused

obama gay marriage ruling

#LOVEWINS – PEW Update On How the Supreme Court’s decision for gay marriage could affect religious institutions

Even before the Supreme Court’s decision granting same-sex couples a constitutional right to wed, legal scholars and others have been trying to determine how

Charleston AME church

Religion responds to the Charleston AME Church #CharlestonShooting on Twitter

Religions and Leaders of Faith are sharing their heartfelt support and sorrow on Twitter over the horrendous act of violence directed towards the members

Charleston Shooting

9 Die in Charleston Church Shooting

Police have captured the suspect in a shooting at a Charleston, South Carolina church in which 9 died, including the church's pastor. Wednesday night,

What Are Presidential Candidate Rick Perry’s Religious Beliefs?

Republican candidate Rick Perry has been guided by his Christian beliefs throughout his political career. How would those beliefs shape his presidency? Former Texas

New #InTheirOwnWords Interviews: Louis Farrakhan, Minerva G. Carcano, and Koichi Barrish

Continuing our #InTheirOwnWords series, today we have three new archived interviews available with Louis Farrakhan, Minerva G. Carcano, and Koichi Barrish. In this interview

Interview with United Methodist Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño on Immigration Reform and How Methodists Can Support It

An outspoken advocate for immigrants and reform, United Methodist Bishop is interviewed by FaithLink. The first Hispanic female bishop in the episcopacy of The

Old Church

Christians Decline while Religious “Nones” become Second Largest Faith Group

New research shows Christianity in America is declining, while the number of those unaffiliated with religion is increasing. Over the past seven years, the

What do the 2016 Presidential Candidates Believe?

As new candidates announce their bid in the 2016 presidential race, we examine the religious beliefs of the leading contenders for America's next president.

Marijuana Ruling

Judge Rules Marijuana Remains Schedule 1 Drug: Here’s How Religions are Combatting Drug Use

Much to the disappointment of a group of on-looking activists who anxiously waited Wednesday to have a California-based Federal Judge pass a ruling to