Americans Seeking God More Than Religion: What’s the Difference?

Searches for God are much more popular than searches for religion, but what does it mean? A quick Google Trends search will show that

Michigan Town Votes to Allow Non-Christians to Buy Homes

Bay View Association brings an end to its controversial religious requirement. United Methodist Church’s Bay View Association introduced two requirements for people to own

It's Love! At Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway Reveals the #1 Most Searched Terms

The mission of Bible Gateway is to honor Christ. Bible Gateway, the popular online scripture resource, has revealed several illuminating statistics[/tweetit] concerning its readers

Buddhist and Methodist Fire on Trump's Family Separation Policy

Methodists and Buddhists Condemn Sessions Over Family Separation Policy; Push for Expulsion from United Methodist Church

Methodists push to expel Sessions from the church A denominational complaint through formal channels was lodged against Jeff Sessions[/tweetit], the United States Attorney General,

United Methodist Church Slams Jeff Sessions Over Migrant Separation

It said quoting Biblical passages does not offer justification for this harmful act The United Methodist Church (UMC) has closed ranks in its fight

Christian-Only Town Must Now Allow Non-Christians to Buy Homes

Christian-Only Town Must Now Allow Non-Christians to Buy Homes

Bay View Association violates Federal Fair Housing laws The Bay View community has been ordered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

A Fascinating Look At Why Christians Love Coffee

A Fascinating Look At Why Christians Love Coffee

Why Coffee Is Important to the Christian Faith Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said about coffee “We want to do a lot of stuff; we’re

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer

President Trump acknowledged the Day of Prayer by issuing an executive order on religious freedom. Today is the National Day of Prayer. The National

TV Streaming

Religions Embrace Broadcast TV and Streaming to Spread their Message, Will You Watch?

World Religions’ Live Streaming Content and Video-on-Demand With over 118 million households having access to television around the world, religious broadcasting is a fairly

The Top 4 Religions of the World

The Top 4 Religions of the World

Based on numbers, the third largest group is the religiously unaffiliated. Four principal religions dominate the world.[/tweetit] These four are followed by approximately 80