Clergy march in Charlottesville, Virginia

Clergy march in protest through Charlottesville and confront white supremacists

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Report Says Atheists Are More “Morally Depraved” than the Religious

The attitude is due to ingrained religious belief. An international study conducted by Nature Human Behavior, a journal, revealed that atheists are suspected in

Trump Axing Law in Move to Allow Churches to Support Political Candidates

The present US administration wants to defang the Johnson Amendment. Hiding behind the din of Obamacare repeal, The U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted during

20% Drop in Christians Identifying with Protestant Denomination

A Gallup poll finds that fewer protestants identify as being part of a particular denomination. According to a recent Gallup poll, more Americans are

No Religion, Tops Religious Affiliation Poll in Australia

Islam, Hinduism increasing; number of religious nones higher than Catholics Australia is quickly turning less and less Christian and more Atheist each year.[/tweetit] The

World’s Top Religious Leaders Issue Rare Joint Appeal

22 religious leaders join hands to appeal to people to make friends with people of other faiths. World religious leaders have for the first

Governor of Texas Approves Law Allowing Denial of Adoption Based on Religion

Critics voice fears of discrimination against LGBT, non-Christians; argues that the law was never about the welfare of the children Republican Governor Greg Abbott

Over Half of Canadians say Religion is Harmful, While Ontario School Rules Students Can Skip Religion Classes

Canada presently witnessing a rise in rational thought According to a brand new Ipsos poll for Global News, 51 percent of Canadians hold the

Methodist Church Appoints First Transgender Deacon

After a struggle of nearly 12 years, Rev. M. Barclay finally finds a place among the clergy of the Methodist Church. A newly appointed

Christians Celebrate The Day of the Holy Trinity on Sunday

Celebrating the mysterious on Trinity Sunday Major churches around the world celebrate the Holy Trinity on the first Sunday after Pentecost. According to Christians,