The Shifting Demographic of Faith Leaders

Barna releases study on the aging of America's pastors. Church leadership in the U.S. is dwindling with lesser people coming forward to become pastors[/tweetit]

Religions Are Uniting After a Spike in Hate Incidents

Interfaith gatherings focus on how individuals must deal with anger and love one another despite differences. Interfaith initiatives driven by different religions occur with

U.S. Warming Up to Different Religious Groups and Even Atheists

Americans are warming up to different religions. Americans are now more open to different religious groups compared to a few years before. Studies conducted

Ken Starr Under Evaluation for Head of International Religious Freedom Office

Ken Starr under consideration by Trump Administration for Office of International Religious Freedom position. The Trump administration is considering Ken Starr to head the

Can an Orthodox Jewish Rule on “No Touching” Improve Your Relationship?

Not getting physical puts the other person's intentions to the test. The time was 2:00 a.m. in Jerusalem and I was sitting on the

Religion and the Super Bowl: God, The Pope, Lady Gaga and Scientology on the playing field

How the Super Bowl, football, and faith are inevitably intertwined. Sunday’s Super Bowl will go down in history as being one of the most

Four Chaplains Sunday Commemorates Priests of Different Faiths Who Gave Their Lives to Save Soldiers

Four Army chaplains gave their life jackets to other soldiers as their ship was sinking in WWII. February 3 was enacted by Congress as

At National Prayer Breakfast Trump Announces He Wants to Repeal Johnson Amendment

Right-wing Christian Evangelical leaders are happy with the announcement, however, most Americans and pastors prefer separation of church from state. President Trump announced during

Secularists in Britain Seek an End to “Unjustified Religious Privilege”

Secularists respond to report on Britain's religion and beliefs by requesting equal treatment for all, regardless of religious beliefs. Following the publication of a

Since Trump’s Election, Sanctuary Churches Have Doubled

More churches have become sanctuaries for Muslims after Trump won the Presidential Election in November. A coalition of faith communities referred to as the