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Doug Jones is a Different Type of Christian Politician

Doug Jones is a Different Type of Christian Politician
OPEN MINDED IN ALABAMA is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Doug Jones Contrasts Sharply with Roy Moore and Evangelical Politicians

Senator-Elect Doug Jones narrowly defeated Roy Moore for the Alabama Senate seat vacated when Jeff Sessions left to become President Trump’s Attorney General. Religion became a focal point of the race. Even though Roy Moore was accused by nine women of sexual assault, several of whom were underage at the time, he spoke of slavery with fondness, wanted to outlaw homosexuality, and said women should not be allowed to serve public office, to name a few of his beliefs; his faith still gave him a significant advantage. Eight in 10 white evangelicals voted for him.

Doug Jones is a Different Type of Christian Politician[/tweetthis]

So what was the difference with Doug Jones? Doug Jones is also a deeply devoted Christian. He is a Methodist and has been attending the same church for 33 years. He is highly involved, attending and occasionally teaching Sunday school and driving the bus for older parishioners to attend services.

One of the stark differences is the public expression of his faith. While Moore would constantly mention his beliefs, often in a disparaging manner about different religions or ethnic groups, Doug Jones would generally refuse to talk about his faith. His belief was based more on action and trying to follow Jesus Christ. “If your culture means that you would discriminate against somebody, that you would not treat anybody in the same way that Christ would do, then I’m not going to protect that… My faith is, well, we take care of everybody.”

While he supported abortion limits, Doug Jones was pro-life. He had a history of defending civil rights as a prosecutor in Alabama, famously prosecuting KKK members that bombed a black church. His view on Christianity being a platform for social justice against inequality responded well with voters. 98% of black women voted for him. This demographic includes in their sermons and discussions economic inequality and environmental issues, showing that “value voters” are not exclusive to abortion and homosexuality.

Because Doug Jones will have to face a difficult opponent for reelection that will probably be less scandal-plagued than Roy Moore, it is predicted he will be a conservative democrat. But, he does show that a politician can use religion as a guide for their actions, rather than a tool for fear-mongering, and still be elected in a deeply conservative state.


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