Religious News From Around the Web, Jan 13th 2020

Giving Machines, Blaine Amendment, Religious Court Cases, Confessional Confidentiality, Taliban Destroyed now Repaired, Jewish and Muslim Women Meet, ERA is Dead Latter-day Saints Giving

Great Wall of China Image by Andy Leung

The Great Religious Wall of China

As many as a million Muslim Uighurs are currently imprisoned in Chinese “re-education camps,” according to new data released by the International Consortium of

Ahmadiyya Muslims: “Love for all Hatred for None” By Asifa Kainat

In today’s world where many people are biased about Islam and Muslims, I want to introduce you to the sect of Islam that I

WRN News From the Web: Mosque Shelters Students, Atheists Not Church, US Sanctions China over Uighurs, Rohingyas Denied Education, Dublin’s Covert Church, Iran Suppressing Bahá’ís, SMU Minus Methodist?, African Churches Use Scientology

Wisconsin Students Shelter in Mosque During School Attack About 100 high school students sheltered in a mosque across the street from their Oshkosh West

Muslim Immigrants Pixabay

New Bill Seeks to Overturn Trump “Muslim Ban”

Some time back, on June 28, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Presidential Proclamation 9645 which restricted immigration from eight countries – Libya, Iran,

Holiday Gift Ideas Across Various Religions, By Alexandra Rogers

There is much to dislike about the secular holiday season. In many cases, gifting now has the burden of obligation, of a required ritual,

Buddhist nuns train women in India By Abutchernes, CC

WRN News from Around the Web: Obama Rule Repealed, Church Demolition, Assisted Suicide, Transgender, Kung Fu Nuns, Empty Heavens

Kung Fu Buddhist Nuns The Druk Amitabha Mountain Monastery in Kathmandu has long promoted gender equality and the empowerment of women. Since 2008, Buddhist

Holy Bible

Religious Freedom Advocates, Churches and Believers Rally in Prayer for Leah Sharibu on Oct. 26

Save the Persecuted Christians Joins Others Worldwide to Plead for Leah’s Release from Boko Haram Captivity for Refusing to Renounce Her Faith[/tweetit] WASHINGTON—Save the

'Tell Them, I Am' Ramadan Podcast Going Beyond "Islam 101"

Muslim Civil Rights Group Condemns ND State Lawmaker and Facebook for Spreading Anti-Muslim Lies

WASHINGTON, DC — The following is a statement from Madihha Ahussain, Muslim Advocates’ special counsel for anti-Muslim bigotry responding to lies and misleading images

Religious News Worth Reading, week ending Oct 12th 2019

Democratic Candidates Vow to Reverse Religious Protections Presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren announced similar plans to enhance LGBTQ protections including reversing the