L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard and a Legacy for Southern Africa

June 16 marks the anniversary of the event that did more to draw world attention to the human and civil rights violations of apartheid

Profiles in Faith: Thich Nhat Hanh, Father of Engaged Buddhism

The International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism announced that their beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh passed away peacefully at Từ Hiếu Temple in

US Jewish-Muslim Bond Strengthened by Interfaith Activities

Religious News From Around the Web May 31, 2021

Jews and Muslims Find Common Ground, Pew Study on Judaism Released, Religious Affiliated Child Care Services in Fight Over Gay Rights, Why The Chinese

Profiles in Faith: Ayatollah Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Huseinni Al-Sistani

Second in a series of World Religion News articles on great religious leaders of our time. Introduction When Pope Francis recently made a historic

US to Welcome Record Low of Persecuted; Refugee Crisis is at Record High

Religious News From Around the Web May 24, 2021

America’s Fraught Relationship With Religious Liberty, Two Steps for Tackling Religious Persecution, Blinken Says All Rights Are Equal, White House Muslim Commemoration Attracts Boycott,

Justin Welby

Profiles in Faith: Justin Welby, the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

First in a series of World Religion News articles on great religious leaders of our time. Introduction: The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin

Gay CoE Pastors Write Letter to Church Leaders to Accept Same-Sex Marriages

Religious News From Around the Web May 17, 2021

Vatican Cautions Bishops on Refusing Communion, German Catholic Priests Defy Rome to Bless Gay Couples, Supreme Court to Take up Abortion Cases, China Eliminates

Catholic Songwriter Composes A Song for Pride Month

Religious News From Around the Web May 10, 2021

SF Archbishop Says No to Pro-Choice Catholics, Religious Freedom in Trouble Globally, Saudis May Ban Foreign Hajji Visitors Again, Utah Compromise Finds Middle Ground

What is the religion background to thor ragnarok

Religious News From Around the Web May 3, 2021

China Escalates Religious Repression, Stalin’s Attacks on Religion, Church Members Make Sleeping Mats from Plastic Bags, Baptist Joint Committee Tackles Threats to Religious Liberty,

The Top 4 Religions of the World

Religious Alloys by Charles Franklin

An alloy is a mixture of elements, usually designed to create something better than its individual parts. Steel, for example is an alloy of