A Look at the Hindu Maha Shivaratri Festival

Religious News From Around the Web April 26, 2021

Connecticut May Cancel School Religious Vaccination Exemption, China Denies Suppression of Religion, Photos of 10 Indian World Heritage Sites, States Writing Religious Freedom Bills,

Michigan Catholic Church Approves Offering Health Care to Same-Sex Couples

Religious News From Around the Web April 19, 2021

Supreme Court: Secular and Religious COVID Exemptions Must be Equal; Religious Liberty: The Next Crisis; America's shifting religious freedom landscape; How Religion and Religious

Supreme Court Case Could Change Both Abortion and Religion In America

How the Supreme Court found its faith and put ‘religious liberty’ on a winning streak

By Steven K. Green, Willamette University The Supreme Court’s current term is winding down, but there are still several cases to be decided –

The Massive Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival

Religious News From Around the Web April 12, 2021

Nation of Islam Repudiates Actions of Noah Green, Religious Liberty Winning at SCOTUS, Biden “Packing” Supreme Court? SCOTUS: California Cannot Ban In-Home Religious Services,

Religious News From Around the Web April 5, 2021

Religious Celebrations Begin to Emerge from COVID Isolation, Gallup: Religion Largely Unaffected, Supreme Court will Hear Abortion Case, LGBTQ Activists Sue Christian Colleges, Lawsuit:

The Church Of Scientology did NOT Have Its Tax Exempt Status Revoked By The Supreme Court

Take Pride Australia, You Set the Standard for Religious Freedom Across the Globe.

Do Not Let This Legacy Be Tarnished Through Ignorance or MaliceThe Australia High Court’s decision in a Scientology case in 1983 was a turning

Religious News From Around the Web March 29, 2021

Equality Act Moves to Senate, Choosing a Successor to the Dalai Lama, Masterpiece Cakeshop Back in Court, Virginia Bans Death Penalty, China Disputes Uighur

Catholic Songwriter Composes A Song for Pride Month

Unpacking the Equality Act by Charles Franklin

It’s a chess game. LGBTQ vs Religion. And the latest strategy revolves around the Equality Act. It doesn’t have to be a chess game

Religious News From Around the Web March 22, 2021

Nowruz Celebration Goes Back 3,000 Years, Vatican: Priests Not to Bless Same-Sex Unions, Equality Act and Religious Liberty, Bahai Children Converted to Islam in

Denmark's Burka Ban Should Scare All Religions

Religious News From Around the Web March 15, 2021

Court Rules in Favor of Campus Religious Speech, Swiss Ban the Burka, 97 Year Old Sikh Grandmother Helps Feed London’s Homeless, Egypt’s Schools to