Europe is Moving Away from Organized Religion

Religious News From Around the Web February 1, 2021

Texas Abortion Ban Voided, Gen Z Religiously Unaffiliated, Federal Court Sides With Catholic Groups Over Gender Mandate, Supreme Court Addresses Two Religion Cases, Blinken

Pew Study: Highly Religious Are Happier and Spend More Time with Families

When it Comes to Marriage and Children, Casual Doesn’t Cut It By Sam Field

Sex is nature’s way of ensuring procreation and the continuation of humankind. Marriage is an agreement to protect and nurture one another and children

Religious News From Around the Web January 25, 2021

Religious School Cases May Reach Supreme Court, Catholic School Student Wins Right to State Tuition Benefit, Uighurs To Target Beijing Olympics Sponsors, Pakistan Seeks

With the Pandemic Raging in Spain, Scientology Volunteer Ministers of Madrid Help the City Dig Out From the Worst Blizzard in 50 Years

While Spain reels in the throes of its third wave of COVID-19 tallying more new infections than any other country in Europe, an unprecedented

Kirstie with her family

Religious News From Around the Web January 18, 2021

Marriage Not Important, EU Bans Kosher Slaughter, Watch List Documents Persecution of Christians, Religious Freedom Begins at Home, European Court Takes Up Allegations of

The Republic of God by Charles Franklin

The United States is not a democracy, it is a republic. What’s the difference? New England town meetings are democratic – residents meet to

Religion In The 2019 Congress

Religious News From Around the Web January 11, 2021

Baptist Pastor Elected Georgia Senator, Missionaries Face Coronavirus Challenges, Bill Would Restrict Government Interference With Religious Services, Beckett Religious Freedom Index Released for 2020,

World Religion News: 2020 in Review January 4, 2021

Want to Worship? Show Me Your Papers! Religious Liberty Under Attack and Into Focus, Religious Overreaches Could Backfire, You Don’t Have to Be a

21 Human Skulls Stolen From Historic Church

It’s 2021 — Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

In 1992, Vice-Presidential candidate James Stockdale said “Who am I? Why am I here?” And while Stockdale meant it is a self-deprecating joke, he

Christians In Iraq

Religious News From Around the Web December 28, 2020

Supreme Court Wraps Up 2020, North Korean Persecution of Christians, COVID a “Constitutional Stress Test," Christmas Comes to Iraq, Video: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, U.S.