New Study Finds God Makes Religious People Less Depressed

Finding Hope in Dark Times by Margaret Dulaney

Many of you might have seen the little film by the Welsh Poet Tom Roberts called the Great Realization. Tom is reading a poem,

Archbishop Charles Chaput Says the Catholic Church Needs to Avoid Using the Term LGBTQ

Religious News From Around the Web Nov. 2, 2020

Scientology Thoughts on International Religious Freedom Day, A Uighur's Story of Chinese Prison Camps, More Buddhist Temples Demolished in China, Watch Fulton v City

Faith and Interfaith by Hilary Canto

What do we mean by the term faith? We usually mean faith as belief or religion, but we have faith in each other, faith

Pope Francis Assigned the First African-American Bishop to Head the D.C. Church

Religious News From Around the Web October 26, 2020

Pope Supports Same-Sex Unions, Bahai's Imprisoned in Iran, Brandeis University Bans Discrimination Based on Caste, China Continues to Suppress Religion, Pope Names First African-American

Faith-based Adoption Agency Will Now Place children in LGBT Homes

Is Spirituality the Fountain of Youth? by T. Riggs Eckelberry

What is it about spirituality that makes people look younger? Ten years ago, I stepped out of an elevator at the Scientology church where

A Surge of British Jews Affected by Holocaust are Trying to Move to Germany

Religious News from around the web October 19, 2020

Same-Sex Marriage Going Away? Washington's Lt. Gov Becoming a Priest, Orthodox Jews Defy COVID restrictions, She Became a Jew and Discovered Anti-Semitism, Why Amy

Today Jews Celebrate Lag B’Omer

Remembering a Better World By Blair Thomas

I remember as a young child of around four years old standing in my front yard and watching a squadron of planes flying in

FFRF Opposes Mass Baptism at Georgia High School

Religious News From Around the Web October 12, 2020

even more supreme court religious cases! Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings Begin, Man acquitted of "basic human kindness," Restricting number of congregants violates religious

New Gallup Poll Says Religion Is Important to 72% of Americans, While Record Low Thinks Religion Can Solve Today's Problems

Religious News From Around the Web October 5, 2020

Feds Warn SF of Religious Rights Violations, Anglicans Say Not to Suspend Worship Again, Religious Bashing of SCOTUS Nominee, Spiritual Experience and Feelings of

Religious News From Around the Web September 28, 2020

New Supreme Court Pick Could Heat Up Intersection of Faith and Law The confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice to succeed the late Ruth