Want to Worship? Show Me Your Papers! by Charles Franklin

We have seen government abandon the First Amendment protections of religious liberty to tell people of faith they must toss out their long-held beliefs

Lighting the Menorah

Religious News From Around the Web September 21, 2020

Religious Freedom Rule Finalized, Chic-fil-A Says "Forget It" to San Antonio Airport, Church Refuses to Install Government Surveillance Cameras, Religious Attacks Harm Elections, New

Prison Cell

Religion’s Role in the Wild West of Immorality and Irresponsibility by Charles Franklin

Right conduct is a spectrum of action. For many people justice is the most important point on the spectrum. Justice is the society taking

Religious News From Around the Web September 14, 2020

New Religous Liberty Rule for Education, Sudan Ends Islamic Law, Danish Cartoons are Back, Squirt-Gun Baptism, State Tuition for Religious Education? Homeschooling Raises Culture

New York Ends Measles Religious Exemption Vaccine

Vaccine mandates vs. religious beliefs — the legal arguments for the upcoming coronavirus lawsuits by Ross D. Silverman

The longer COVID-19 rages on, the more the United States appears to be hanging its hopes on the development and rapid, mass distribution of

Funerals Banned on Sundays

Religious News From Around the Web September 7, 2020

Social Media Corrosive to Faith, China Clamps Down on Christian Funerals, Kayak Church, Church Fined $50,000 but Refuses to Close, 20 million Holocaust Records

Political and Religious Holograms

Lumpers lump things together and call them the same. Splitters make a point of differentiating things. So while a lumper might say “All women

Religious News From Around the Web August 31, 2020

Politics, Religion Confers Immunity from Moral Stupidity, Black Lives Matter Opposed, Xi Ramps Up “Sinicization” of Tibet, In-Person Worship Safe With Precautions, World's largest

Religious News From Around the Web August 24, 2020

Pandemic, Same-sex Weddings, New Supreme Court Religious Liberty Case, Church Shutdown Fights, Black Churches Share Lessons With White Churches, UN Commemoration of Victims of

QAnon – a New Religion or the Latest Stupidity?

QAnon is a conspiracy theory group – some call it an emerging religion – started by a mysterious figure and it is blowing up