No News is Good

This morning at 5 a.m., I turned on the news and found out that in addition to the Coronavirus pandemic, the marches for justice,

New Hagia Sophia Secrets Come to Light

Religious News From Around the Web July 6, 2020

Hagia Sophia Returns to a Mosque? Chinese Communists Destroy Buddhist Temple and Christian Crosses, SCOTUS Changes the Playing Field, Nelson Mandela: Difference between Tolerance

Sikhs Blocked on Instagram and Facebook

In early March, Sikh users of Facebook and Instagram discovered they could not post messages if they used the #sikh hashtag. World Religion News

Trump's budget plan seeks $1 billion in taxpayer’s funds for private religious schools

Breaking News: Supreme Court Strikes Down Restriction on Religious School Funding

Montana had a program whereby individuals received a tax credit for donations to organizations providing scholarships for private schools. But the state specifically excluded

Why Orthodox Judaism Is Becoming More Influential On Millennials

Religious News From Around the Web June 29, 2020

Protecting Church from State, Russia's Military Cathedral, Hindu Temple for Islamabad, Selling Judaism, Faith-Based Foster Care, Protesters Topple Statue of Saint Junipero Serra, Hajj

Religious News From Around the Web June 22, 2020

Bostock Case Gives LGBTQ a Win; Southern Poverty Law Center Labels Christians as Hate Groups; Sikh Woman Graduates from West Point; Baptists Sue Over

Blasphemy a Capital Offense in Some Countries, Expunged in Others

In 1988 Salmon Rushdie published The Satanic Verses, a book which Muslims thought disparaged Islam. Riots broke out in Muslim countries, and shortly thereafter,

By Bernard Gagnon - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Religious News From Around the Web June 15, 2020

Photos: Greek Monasteries Built on Rock Spires Meteora – which means “suspended in the air” are Greek rock formations upon which Eastern Orthodox monasteries

Religious News From Around the Web June 8, 2020

Polls: Policy Decisions Forcing Religion's Decline in U.S., Religious freedom and Public Health, Racism a "spiritual virus," Tulsi Gabbard Addresses Hindu Commencement, Abraham Lincoln

You Don’t Have to be a Supreme Court Justice to See a Thumb on the Scales By Charles Franklin

For those rational individuals who thought that the First Amendment kept government out of religious affairs, assured the people’s right to worship as they