Vandalism and How to Deal With It

A few years ago, someone began breaking windows in the church I attend. I became one of the volunteers who stood watch at night

Religious News From Around the Web March 2, 2020

Biblical Plague, Give up Phones for Lent?, Minister Farrakhan, Thich Quang Do, SCOTUS to hear Catholic Foster Case, Boko Haram, Coronavirus and Hajj Give

Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Law for Peace: Beyond Palestinian and Israeli Land Claims

The idea hit me as I was driving, through the border from Germany to France: Germany, a separate state? France, a separate state? So,

Politics, Religion and the Principled Life

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Benjamin Franklin. Democracies had failed in the past, blown

Religious News From Around the Web Feb. 24, 2020

Church for Sale, Coronavirus, Kirk Douglas, LGBT Services, Lent, Latter-day Saints and Gender, Sen. Orrin Hatch, Chinese Churches Christ Church Cathedral Begins LGBT+ Services

Russia Blacklists Hundreds of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russia’s Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has relegated more than 200 Jehovah’s Witnesses to its List of ‘Persons Involved in Extremism or Terrorism,’ according

Religious News From Around the Web Feb. 17, 2020

Religion and Politics, Klobuchar, Coronavirus and the Eucharist, Polygamy, Faith-Based Treatment of Vets, No to Married Priests, State of the Church Survey 2020 State

Is Iran the Eternal Enemy of the West? By L. Arik Greenberg, Ph.D.

I grew up in the 1970s, when the U.S. first had overtly negative dealings with Iran. In 1953, we had helped to topple the

How Does Your Congregation Grow?

The news seems ominous. Studies show Christianity on the ropes in Europe and on the decline in the United States. Church buildings going on

Religious News from Around the Web, Feb 9th 2020

Coronavirus, Church and State, Romney and White Horse, 200 Years of Christianity, Baxter Black, Blessing of the Nukes, Chinese Ban Funerals Christians Help in