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5 Ways Social Media Connects Religion to Younger Generations

Founder of Christian and Faith-Based Social Media Platform Offers Advice on how Social Media can Connect Younger Generations with Religion Social media is changing

The Missionary Who Became a Superhero By Randolph Dobbs

There must be some kind of missionary muscle some people develop during the course of their religious service. Nayyereh Aminian would become a virtual

10 Surprising Scientific Reasons Linked to These Hindu Traditions

Religion and science come together in these Hindu traditions that are linked to scientific explanations. 1. Throwing Coins Into A River The most widespread

From Minister to Atheist to Believer Again: The Story of Teresa MacBain

How to Widen the Eyes of Sinners By Ray Comfort

I‘ve always been desperate to reach the lost and, because of that, I’m continually pleading with God to save them. Their fate weighs heavily

Marching for Religious Interfaith

On September 22nd, as part of a celebration of International Peace Day, marches were held around the world to celebrate Religious Peace and Justice.

Interfaith Council Takes Up Human Rights

Idi Amin “The Butcher of Uganda” seized power in 1971 and until he was ousted in 1979, his regime murdered an estimated 100,000 to

10 Biggest Controversial Religious Sites

These religious locations around the world cause tension and conflict. 1. Western Wall This wall, located near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is historically

Former Priest Says to Save The Church It Must ‘Abolish the Priesthood’

6 Types of Unique Garments Explained

Six Religions that have distinguishing dress codes and the symbolism behind them. It is quite difficult to identify an individual’s faith based on appearance

How to pray like a Sikh

Click the image to watch a fascinating video on how Sikh pray: Published by the Sikh Channel on Facebook

Here We Are Again: Confronting the Rise of Religious Persecution

On Sept. 23rd, President Trump convened a meeting on religious freedom at the UN, surrounded by survivors of religious persecution from around the globe,