Why Sikhs wear a turban and what it means to practice the faith in the United States

Simran Jeet Singh, New York University An elderly Sikh gentleman in Northern California, 64-year-old Parmjit Singh, was recently stabbed to death while taking a

PRRI Announces Eleven Public Fellows for 2019-2020

Nationwide scholar network expands to strengthen public scholarship on religion, culture, and politics[/tweetit] WASHINGTON - The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan

Myths Debunked about Catholics, Latter-day Saints, and Muslims

Today, with social media and the Internet, rumors, misconceptions and outright lies often circulate amplified and unchecked about religions and religious belief. Most often,

Pastafarians and the Jesters

To become a Catholic Priest or a Jewish Rabbi requires years of training and study. To become a Buddhist Monk one must give up

China/Vatican Agreement May Signal Lessening of Religious Tension

The first Catholic Bishop to be consecrated in China since an agreement between China and the Holy See occurred recently in Inner Mongolia.[/tweetit] According

Pope Francis Hosts First Meeting of “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity”

Pope Francis hosted the first meeting of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (The Committee) on Sept. 16 at the Vatican. The Committee https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/

Celebrities and Nonprofits are Joining Forces to Help the Bahamas Recover

Flying in to Grand Bahama Island with his jet loaded with emergency supplies and a team of Scientology Volunteer Ministers, John Travolta is the

Survey on Christian Life Beliefs

More than 200 Christians were recently surveyed to determine beliefs about their Christian life. Of the 216 participants 65 percent were female , 93

America’s Growing Interfaith Infrastructure

In Columbia, South Carolina, Interfaith Partners regularly brings together for discussion Christians and Jews, Hindus and Muslims, Buddhists and Bahá’ís. Members visit one another’s

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings

Archeologists believe they figured out what the 3,200 rock carvings represents It is a human tendency to look up for the things which are