Birth Control Religion Not Linked

Study says Opinions on Birth Control are not Determined by a Woman’s Religion

The University of Michigan released a study that found, contrary to what many believe, women's support for birth control is not related to their

St. Patrick's Day

A History of St. Patrick’s Day

Celebrated as the world's most popular holiday for Irish culture, what does St. Patrick's Day truly commemorate? Many people understand the basic tenets of

Buddhist-Muslim Meeting Pushes for Peace with Yogyakarta Statement

The Muslim and Buddhist leaders of Southeast Asia and South Asia released the Yogyakarta statement to refute the “use of Islam and Buddha in

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment Draws Interest

Pope Francis is preparing to issue his encyclical, a letter to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, on the environment. An official from

School Loud speaker

Texas Principal to Stop Reading Bible Quotes After Recordings Leaked

After recordings of a Texas high school principal reading Bible quotes over the PA system leaked, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has issued a

European Mosque Hosts Symposium on Religion, Freedom, & Peace

One of western Europe’s largest mosques hosted an inter-faith national peace symposium on the theme of “Religion, Freedom and Peace” on Saturday. The event

How will the Mormon Church Incorporate New Findings on Its History into its Teachings?

Social media has begun to dredge up various Latter-Day Saints documents, from groundbreaking scholars to little-known pieces of information about the past of Joseph

New study reveals the correlation between religion and moral behavior

According to recent study, religion has an great impact on the moral behavior of a person. A person with religious beliefs is more moral

Zaytuna College

Zaytuna College, First Muslim College in the U.S., is Awarded Accreditation

On March 8, 2015 The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) extended accreditation to the United States’ first Muslim college. As described on

Scientists Upset Over Subject Matter For Religion Course

High school students in Spain who take an elective religion class will have to adhere to the following principle: “The student recognizes the divine