AZ Prisoners Fight to Practice Hawaiian Religion

AZ Inmates Win Status to Fight for Native Hawaiian Religion

Stating their religion is vital to their rehabilitation, prisoners in AZ have filed a class-action lawsuit. A few days ago, the Judge Leslie Kobayashi

Bill Maher Ben Affleck

Bill Maher gets unexpected support from religious conservatives over recent anti-Islamic remarks

Last week, actor Ben Affleck took issue with Bill Maher’s remarks about Islam during an appearance on Maher’s show, Real Time. The interesting development

Twitter Data Mining

American Muslims and Atheists are the Most Active on Twitter; Christians and Jews the Least, Study Reveals

Data mining done on the social network has some surprising results. A recent study led by Lu Chen from Wright State University in Dayton,

Guy Consolmagno, Vatican Astronomer

This Vatican Astronomer Thinks Religion and Science are Compatible

In modern society, an individual is almost forced to side between science and religion. However, some people, including the Vatican Astronomer, feel that religion

evolution of religion

The Evolutionary Tree of Religion Map by Simon E. Davies

The origins of spiritual awareness mapped on "The Evolutionary Tree Of Religion Map." This chart outlines the origins of spiritual awareness (e.g. shamanism &

Secular 2014 Conference to Focus on the Religious Right, Secularism and Civil Rights

Secular 2014 Conference to Focus on the Religious Right, Secularism and Civil Rights

“Secularism is probably the one big issue for our century. This century is not, as many still think, marked by a religious or spiritual

Gay vs Christian, human rights, lexington, Kentucky,

Human Rights Commission: “Christian business owners should leave religion at home!”

In a controversial decision, the Lexington Kentucky Human Rights Commission has sent a clear message to Christian business owners who refuse service to LGBT

Religion and Violence in the Middle East

Why can’t we all just get along? Religion and Violence in the Middle East

Atheist and Theist perspectives on the rising tension and violence in the Middle East. Escalating tensions in the Middle East point to religion as

11 Religious Figures Named Amongst The 100 Most Significant Americans Of All Time By Smithsonian Magazine

Meet the 100 most significant Americans of all time— Smithsonian Magazine (@SmithsonianMag) November 17, 2014 Smithsonian Magazine included 11 American religious figures

Mormon Women's Conference

Mormon Women Pleased With Small Changes to Their Role in the Church

photos: Rick Egan, The Salt Lake Tribune Mormon women are surprised as LDS President alters wording to be more inclusive of women. Last month,