Religion And Morality

Study: Is there a Connection Between Religion and Morality?

Researchers have studied the influence of religion on morality. Are religious people also more moral people? The answer may surprise you. Many people have continually

Yusuf Islam

Cat Stevens Will Tour US for First Time in Decades After Converting to Islam

photo: The Muslim musician who now goes by the name Yusuf Islam, Cat Stevens will return to the United States for his first tour here

Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama Praises China’s President Xi Jinping, Condemns ISIS

The Dalai Lama was busy the past week representing Tibet, complimenting Chinese President Xi Jinping on recognizing Buddhism, and calling for world peace. India

Satanic Temple Raises Question: Can Satanism be Atheism?

Jex Blackmore (The Satanic Temple) and Cindy Fleming (Temples of Satan) There is a rising controversy among two of the least likely beliefs to cause

Wiccan Mabon 2014

Wiccans Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox with Mabon

The Wiccan celebration of Mabon commemorates the autumnal equinox as summer becomes fall, the days get shorter and the nights longer. An equinox, as

National Back to Church Sunday

National Back to Church Sunday expects 3.3 Million People to Attend This Weekend

National Back to Church Sunday® movement urges churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike to join in and worship with their community this Sunday, September 21. Back

Climate Change

The New Top Pro-Life Argument is Not Abortion: It’s Climate Change

photo: flickr Christians around the world are again rallying for the pro-life cause. This time, though, the scene is a little different as they

Majority of Cameroonian Soccer Team Converts to Islam Following Dubai Visit

photo: The National 23 Soccer players decide to convert to Islam after visiting Dubai for a soccer training camp. There have been numerous stories

Pastafarian Driver's License

Flying Spaghetti: A Religious Debate, Not A Food Fight for Pastafarians

Pastafarians continue their fight for religious rights, setting precedent for all religions. There have been a handful of cases in which a Pastafarian has

U2's Faith

U2 Continues Singing Their Faith in “Songs of Innocence”

Although their newest album "Songs of Innocence" has met controversy, it beautifully expands on U2's tradition of conveying their faith through song. U2 could