Hakone Shrine

The Hakone Shrine is a Beautiful Shinto Holy Site

The Hakone Shrine is a beautiful place for tourists to observe and learn Shinto rituals and customs. Shintoism is the predominant religion in Japan,

Saffron Road Halal Food

Halal Food Company Finds Inspiration in Kosher Company’s Slogan

Saffron Road serves halal foods to Muslims much like kosher predecessor Hebrew National does for Jews. Many religions have tight rules on what can and

Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Christians Gear Up to Celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi

Christians celebrate Christ's body and blood on this Feast of Corpus Christi. The Body and Blood of Christ, or Corpus Christi, refers to the Christian

Golden Temple

Sikhs Want the Attack on the Golden Temple to be Recognized as Genocide

Last week, Sikhs around the world gathered publicly to remember the 30th anniversary of the Storming of the Golden Temple in Punjab, which began

Bowdoin College

Christian College Clubs Face Scrutiny for Wanting Christian Leaders

College clubs centered on religions are being accused of discrimination for excluding non-believers from leadership roles. Over the last ten years there have been a variety

Homeboy Industries

100 Examples of How Religion is Doing Good for the World

The Huffington Post has published their examples of Religion Doing Good (#ReligionDoingGood), as sourced earlier this month. Highlights include the Los Angeles-based Homeboy Industries

HIndu Prayer House of Representatives

US House of Representatives to open with Hindu prayer

Rajan Zed, Hindu statesman, gives a prayer at the Alaska House of Representatives in 2009. United States House of Representatives in Washington DC will

John Meis Seattle Hero

John Meis Heroically Tackles Gunman and Ends Seattle Shooting

John Meis, a student of Seattle Pacific University, heroically intervened in last week's shooting at his campus. Witnesses of the shooting claim that John

Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s Victory Celebrated by Egypt’s Religious Minorities

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's presidency is a positive sign for religious minorities in Egypt. After many months of preparation and speculation, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has won

Tao Heart

Mister Feng Shui Teaches How to Cleanse Your Heart with Tao

Kerby Kuek, AKA Mister Feng Shui, wrote this informative article for The Standard in Hong Kong where he describes Tao and how it can