Pope Francis is shaking things up, but you’ll never guess what he said about this technology you use everyday

Pope Francis approves of the Internet as a precious “gift from God,” for its efficiency in facilitating communication, in a released statement yesterday. With

Bahá’í Women Blend Science and Religion

Lisa M. Ortuno, Ph.D., uses scientific methods to guide her and boost her progress in her faith. Bahá'í Faith is rather unknown to American

Football Feud | Survey Says: Religious Beliefs Are in Football Fans’ Playbooks

A large number of Americans are not considering whether the devil or God are pulling the strings on the win in the upcoming National

Religious Hostilities

Religious Violence, Discrimination, Intolerance at an All-Time High in Some Countries

Religious intolerance is at an all time high with many people around the world suffering from acts of hatred. Never before has violence and

Religious-Themed “Zoo” in Brooklyn May Close If Rabbi Can’t Find Donors

When you come across the Torah Animal World exhibit, you may find it looks similar to a zombie version of Noah's Ark. It consists

America's Blessings

Religious Attendance Could Make For an Economically Richer Country

It’s being discovered that religious attendance can be fruitful to the American economy. A large body of research work on economic, health, and educational

Nativity Scene

Winter Holiday Series: Christmas

Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated as part of the Christian religion and is the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday. This holiday falls

Winter Solstice Yule

Winter Holiday Series: Winter Solstice (Yule)

Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, involves the two halves of the hemisphere trading light for dark and vice versa. The next morning, when

Portrait Of Jewish Americans

Pew Research Center Publishes “Portrait of Jewish Americans” Infographic

Pew Research Center has released a new infographic, Portrait of Jewish Americans, as a supplement to their Survey of Jewish Americans published in October.

Non-Believers Can be Executed in 13 Countries Around the World, Report Says

A disturbing new report from the International Humanist and Ethical Union, which is based in London, details how atheism is punishable by death in