Ryan Prescott’s A Billion Lies

A Billion Revelations: Ryan Prescott’s A Billion Lies Unmasks The Seedy Workings of Anti-Scientology for Profit

Hate sells. That is the dark message of Ryan Prescott’s new book, A Billion Lies: The Highest Ranks of the Church of Scientology Couldn’t

Scientology Freewinds Maiden Voyage

What is the Freewinds and Why do Scientologists Celebrate its Maiden Voyage on June 6?

According to the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard stipulated that the highest levels of advancement in Scientology should be “delivered in a distraction-free

L. Ron Hubbard in Phoenix

Congratulations to the Church of Scientology on the Anniversary of Dianetics

L. Ron Hubbard founded the Scientology religion in 1952. But the beginning of the movement was actually the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science

L. Ron Hubbard’s Greatest Gift to the World on His Birthday

This article about the Scientology religion and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was originally published on standleague.org and has also been republished on patheos.com.

Profiles in Faith: Mr. David Miscavige – Ecclesiastical Leader of the Scientology Religion

INTRODUCTION As ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, Mr. David Miscavige leads the only major world religion to emerge in the 20th century and

Watch Dalai Lama Impersonate Donald Trump

Religious News From Around the Web December 20, 2021

Pope Reemphasizes Opposition to Latin Mass; Ninth Circuit Clears Expulsions of Seminarians in Same-Sex Marriages; Gorsuch Cites Religious Liberty As Supreme Court Allows New

Religious News From Around the Web October 11, 2021

Thomas Jefferson’s Quran on Display at Dubai World’s Fair; Rundown of Supreme Court’s Faith Related Cases; Scientology Rights Affirmed in European Court; Chinese Government

Vatican Quashes ‘Fake News’ of Pope Benedict Death

Religious News From Around the Web August 9, 2021

Scientologist Wins Case Against Munich "Sect Filter;" Religious Restrictions Return with Rise of Delta Variant; Vatican Launches Global Compact on the Family; Problems With

L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard and a Legacy for Southern Africa

June 16 marks the anniversary of the event that did more to draw world attention to the human and civil rights violations of apartheid

Want to Worship? Show Me Your Papers! by Charles Franklin

We have seen government abandon the First Amendment protections of religious liberty to tell people of faith they must toss out their long-held beliefs