New #InTheirOwnWords Interviews: Thich Nhat Hanh, L. Ron Hubbard, and Rick Warren

Continuing our #InTheirOwnWords series, today we have three new archived interviews available with Thich Nhat Hanh, L. Ron Hubbard, and Rick Warren. First, in

L. Ron Hubbard Gives an Introduction to Scientology in 1966 Interview

In this exclusive interview with L. Ron Hubbard, filmed in 1966, Tony Hitchman asks Hubbard about the basic concepts of Scientology, and what Scientology

New #InTheirOwnWords Interviews: Joel Osteen, David Miscavige, and Feisal Abdul Rauf

Adding to the #InTheirOwnWords series, today we have three new archived interviews to present. First up, is a 2008 interview from The 700 Club

David Miscavige

Scientology Leader David Miscavige: First-Ever Network TV Interview

In his first-ever interview, David Miscavige tackles misconceptions and falsehoods about Scientology. During a 1992 ABC News interview with Ted Koppel, Miscavige describes how

Scientology Parent Dealing With Cancer

Scientology Helped Us Deal with Our Daughter’s Battle with Cancer

Stephanie and Russ Croman and their three daughters. Scientologist parents Stephanie and Russ Croman describe how going Clear helped them through their daughter's devastating

Lous Theroux

Louis Theroux Says Church of Scientology making a documentary about him

BBC documentarian and tv show host Louis Theroux, who's been working on a documentary about the Church of Scientology, says he has been informed

John Travolta

Actor John Travolta on GMA: “Scientology has saved my life several times”

On today's 'Good Morning America' show actor John Travolta, while promoting his latest film, 'The Forger' and asked why Scientology has become such a

Marijuana Ruling

Judge Rules Marijuana Remains Schedule 1 Drug: Here’s How Religions are Combatting Drug Use

Much to the disappointment of a group of on-looking activists who anxiously waited Wednesday to have a California-based Federal Judge pass a ruling to

John Travolta

Scientology Reveal: 7 celebrities reveal why they are Scientologists

7 famous people reveal why they are Scientologists In the midst of the high profile media visibility that Scientology has been getting lately post

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Scientology, Bush Administration and Science, and Indiana’s RFRA

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a 56-year-old cosmologist and astrophysicist who is well-known for his several science shows, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, StarTalk, and ScienceNow,