Chick Corea and Beck Grammy Awards 2015

Scientologists Chick Corea and Beck take home multiple Grammy Awards while Kanye West tries to steal the show

Left, Chick Corea in 2012. Photo by catwalker / Right, Beck in 2014. Photo by Christian Bertrand / Music's biggest night, the

Scientology Parent Age of Answers

What “Scientology: Age of Answers” means to a Scientologist parent

Tad Reeves, noted Scientology Parent  blogger, shares his personal interpretation of the new Scientology ad. During the big game, or since, you may have

Scientology Age Of Answers

Scientology Super Bowl commercial lights up Twitter

Church of Scientology surprises Super Bowl viewers with "Age of Answers" ad. The Church of Scientology delivered on their Facebook page hint last week

New YouTube series on the significance of religion hosted by an agnostic [Video]

Robert Smith, a British historian and agnostic, has started a YouTube series to highlight the impact of religion in history. An agnostic man has

scientology hbo gibney

Church of Scientology fights back against alleged claims in upcoming HBO documentary ‘Going Clear’

The Church of Scientology is in the spotlight, and it’s not related to their expansion or humanitarian efforts. Documentarian Alex Gibney’s latest project is

HBO Scientology Film Announced

BREAKING: HBO has just announced a new Scientology focused film based on the Lawrence Wright book titled "Going Clear," which the Church Of Scientology

USCIRF Chair Katrina Lantos Swett, Commissioner Mary Ann Glendon, and Executive Director Jackie Wolcott with parliamentarians at the launch of the International Parliamentary Coalition to Advance Religious Freedom, November 8, 2014, Oslo.

30 Parliamentarians Meet With USCIRF In Oslo To Sign A Freedom Of Religion Charter

USCIRF Chair Katrina Lantos Swett, Commissioner Mary Ann Glendon, and Executive Director Jackie Wolcott with parliamentarians at the launch of the International Parliamentary Coalition

Scientology Perspective on Bullying

A Scientology Perspective on Bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Former NFL player Robert Adams offers his perspective on the problem of bullying. Webster’s defines a bully as

Respecting Families of Another Faith

Respecting Families of Another Faith

How learning about the beliefs of other religions can help us understand and connect with one another in a positive way. As parents, we

evolution of religion

The Evolutionary Tree of Religion Map by Simon E. Davies

The origins of spiritual awareness mapped on "The Evolutionary Tree Of Religion Map." This chart outlines the origins of spiritual awareness (e.g. shamanism &