11 Religious Figures Named Amongst The 100 Most Significant Americans Of All Time By Smithsonian Magazine

Meet the 100 most significant Americans of all time http://t.co/CByk5EGFQX pic.twitter.com/JVu4yehnh9— Smithsonian Magazine (@SmithsonianMag) November 17, 2014 Smithsonian Magazine included 11 American religious figures

Verlene Cheeseboro. Photo credit, DNAINfo.com

Verlene Cheeseboro, The Scientology Minister Bringing Scientology To Harlem

Verlene Cheeseboro is pastor of Harlem’s Church of Scientology. Verlene states that she believes in religious tolerance as was evidenced in her quote in

Scientology Religion Symbol

European Court on Human Rights Wins Religious Freedom Case for Russian Scientologists

The denial of a Russian Church of Scientology's registration has been deemed a violation of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and

Stop The Killing

Scientologists and Nation of Islam Working Together To Reduce Turmoil In Ferguson

The anti-violence initiative 'Stop the Killing' has been wildly popular among street demonstrations in Ferguson since the death of Michael Brown at the hands

9/11 - What do I tell my kids?

ScientologyParent.com – What Will I Tell My Kids about 9/11?

What will I tell my kids about 9/11? My oldest is a kindergartner now. My guess is that this year it’ll come up, and

Way To Happiness Flint MI

Flint, Michigan City Council Evaluates Scientology’s ‘Way to Happiness’ to Help City

Flint, Michigan: City Council to look over the Church of Scientology's "The Way to Happiness" as a proposed morality guide to lower crime rates. Faced

PEW Report: How Americans Feel About Religious Groups

Jews, Catholics & Evangelicals Rated Warmly, Atheists and Muslims More Coldly This piece originally appeared on PewForum.org Jews, Catholics and evangelical Christians are viewed

Ferguson Way to Happiness

Do You Think a Moral Code Can Restore Peace in Ferguson, MO?

In areas of instability, unrest, crime and violence, one element underlies the visible problems: the decline or absence of morality. Distribution of The Way

Hobby Lobby Protestors

How the Hobby Lobby Decision Affects Us All

The Hobby Lobby decision has implications that reach much further than most predict. Reactions run strong in the wake of this week’s Burwell v.

Hailley Scientology Parent Interview

Scientology Questions & Answers – Hailley, Mother

Photo: Sara May Photography A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers about what