How Religions Celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Holidays

What Do World Religions Do During the Holiday Season? Exclusively from! Share this Infographic on Your Site Source: Typically when we say

Aaradhya Sharma

Aaradhya’s India: The Whole World Is Our Family

A 7-year-old girl shares her pride in her home country, India, in a video posted to Facebook. Scientologist Wayne Hanson, a regular contributor to

Religion Has Become Less Important to Americans

Religion is Losing Importance Among Americans

Only 20 percent of Americans said religion is a vital part of their lives. The Pew Research Center undertook two distinct surveys during the

Nicky's Family Documentary

Nicky’s Family, A Documentary on a Heroic Story at the time of the Holocaust, Premieres on Scientology Network Friday

Nicky Winton saved the lives of more than 600 children who were destined for concentration camps. In a society where anti-Semitism is on the

Scientology Network Season 2

Scientology Network Debuts Its Second Season

New programming began airing earlier this month, including a showcase for independent filmmakers. Scientology Network, the first network exclusively dedicated to the Scientology religion,

Detroit Scientology Church Opening

Scientology Opens New Church in Downtown Detroit

The Church of Scientology celebrated their newest location in Detroit with the community and its leaders on Sunday. Downtown Detroit has recently seen plenty

A New Study in the UK Calls for the Renaming of Religious Education and Other Reforms Such as Teaching About Atheism

A New Study in the UK Calls for the Renaming of Religious Education and Other Reforms Such as Teaching About Atheism

The Catholic Education Service rejected the report. The two-year-long study done by Commission on Religious Education concluded that Religious Education (RE) should be updated

USCIRF Vice Chair Adopts Russian Religious Prisoners

USCIRF Vice Chair is Adopting Jehovah’s Witness and Scientologist Religious Prisoners in Russia

Russia regards non-traditional religious denominations as criminal organizations The Vice-Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Kristina Arriaga, announced on September

Americans Seeking God More Than Religion: What’s the Difference?

Searches for God are much more popular than searches for religion, but what does it mean? A quick Google Trends search will show that

Scientology Leader David Miscavige Awarded Medal from Colombian Police

The award was presented in response to Miscavige's humanitarian contributions. David Miscavige, leader of the Scientology religion, received the prestigious Brigadier General Jaime Ramírez