Carlton Gebbia

“Real Housewives” Pagan Witch Casting Spells Trouble Ahead

The latest addition to Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is not your typical cookie-cutter television wife: She’s actually a practicing Wiccan. Carlton

Quebec Religious Garb Ban

Quebec Residents Speak Out Against Freedom Of Religion Violations

Quebec is rumored to be proprosing legislation that would ban state workers from wearing religious garb, such as the hijab. The Canadian media is

Jamyi Witch

Pagan Prison Chaplain Dismissed of All Charges

In 2011, Jamyi J. Witch, a Pagan prison chaplain, was accused of conspiring to create a hostage situation, on top of trafficking drugs, that

Prison Cell

Federal Appeals Court Overturns Dismissal of Wiccan Prisoner Lawsuit

California prisons, like many across the United States offer their prisoners solace in the form of weekly meetings or prayer services to serve Catholic,