USCIRF Adds Russia to list of Worst Religious Freedom Violators in 2017 Report

Banning of Jehovah's Witnesses catapulted Russia to the list of shame. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) declared in its yearly report

On May 1 Wiccans Will Celebrate Beltane

Beltane is an occasion that marks the changing seasons. Beltane, also known as May Eve and Walpurgis, Beltane is a special day celebrated on

In America, the More Educated You are, the Less Religious You Are

Are you less religious if you're more educated? Pew has found the general notion of the highly educated being less religious is actually true[/tweetit]

How Music Festivals and Religion are Intertwined

The connection between faith and music is undeniable, especially in the context of music festivals. "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to

Florida Senate Votes to Allow Students to Express Religion on School Grounds

The bill does have its share of detractors with some fearing that it infringes too heavily upon the separation of church and state. Last

How Religions Celebrate the Spring Equinox

Origins of the spring equinox and its religious meanings. The word “equinox” traces its root from Latin, and it means “equal night.” Equinox is

Ken Starr Under Evaluation for Head of International Religious Freedom Office

Ken Starr under consideration by Trump Administration for Office of International Religious Freedom position. The Trump administration is considering Ken Starr to head the

What is the Importance of Love in World Religions?

World Religion News Celebrates Valentine’s Day: Love According to World Religions In anticipation of the day of love, Valentine’s Day, we explore the different

At National Prayer Breakfast Trump Announces He Wants to Repeal Johnson Amendment

Right-wing Christian Evangelical leaders are happy with the announcement, however, most Americans and pastors prefer separation of church from state. President Trump announced during

Imbolc: How Pagans Celebrate the Coming Spring

Rituals of Imbolc and Lughnasadh festivals. Different religions and traditions all over the world have their own way of celebrating the transition from one