How To Create One Concept Of God We Can All Agree On

Reinventing the concept of God to apply to religious and nones alike. Believers of different faiths have their own notions about God or the

A World Religion Holiday Season Calendar [Infographic]

Exclusively from! What Do World Religions Do During the Holiday Season? Discover what world religions do during the holiday season in this information-packed

Samhain myths

These 5 Things About Samhain Are Actually Myths

5 things about Samhain that actually aren't true at all. Samhain is a celebration or festivity which has its origin in Gaelic or Celtic

Preparing For the Celebration of Mabon Harvest and Feast

Mabon, the Autumn Equinox: A Time of Thanks to Sol, Dark Mother and The Green Man. Mabon is one of the seasonal festivities observed

Here are 10 Facts About the State of Religion in America Right Now

Religion in America is changing each year. Here are the most important facts to know right now. The Pew Research Center has compiled a

Teach Religion In Public Schools

Clinton Would Agree: These are Reasons Why Religion Should Be Taught In Public Schools

A list of reasons why students should learn about world religions as part of their primary education. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton is just

How Do You Get Happy and Stay Happy? You Join a Religion, Study Says

A recent study shows participation in religion makes you happy for a sustained amount of time. At least so state the results of a

Writer and Priestess Courtney Weber Defends Wiccans from Ritual Murder Claims

Courtney Weber pleads: “stop accusing us Wiccans of ritual murder.” In one of her articles on the Huffington Post, Courtney Weber defended the Wiccans

Religious Trauma Syndrome

What is Religious Trauma Syndrome?

American psychologist, educator and writer Marlene Winell describes her research on the effects some feel after leaving a religion. According to American psychologist, educator

EXCLUSIVE: Same-Sex Marriage Poll Results: 75% Of Americans Support It ran a U.S. citizen targeting poll using organic search and paid social to determine how Americans feel about same-sex marriage. The results may